Hello everyone, I really want to spread the word of ubuntu and get people to try it. I live in Ann Arbor (but I'm studying abroad in Japan and I won't be back till maybe next fall), but I think that with the open-mindedness that Ann Arbor has, it would be a great place to start actually PRESSURING people to try to use it. Any ideas? Summer fest booth during June/July (or whenever it is) Lectures/information booths at UM, EMU and WCC Show store owners the benefits of open source, and offering to set up their entire business with ubuntu for free. What does everyone think?
I don't think "pressuring" people into trying something is that great an idea... I would like to see more people made aware of Ubuntu's existence and viability, though. Not that I drive as far as AA very often.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Just mention how it's sticking it to the erm.. "man" and breaking free of money hungry corporations.
Ubuntu 14.04 Server -Linode 1GB Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Laptop -Toshiba Satellite A505-6005, Intel i3, 4.00 GB ram
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