This should work for all the annoying notebooks in the Fujitsu Siemens range that require a special software switch to activate wifi, although it's only tested on an Li2727 notebook.
These steps are nice and easy. No compiling modules, as the other (older) guides suggest. Please post links to this guide wherever you find these outdated guides.
EDIT: If using Jaunty (9.04), there's no need for step 1 & 2. Just skip straight to step 3.
1. Get online via an Ethernet cable and use Synaptic to install either of these packages (hit the Reload button before installing, as you should always do):
Get the Hardy one if you're using Ubuntu 8.04, or the Intrepid one if you're using Ubuntu 8.10.
2. Update the system (sudo apt-get update, or use the program on the System -> Administration menu).
3. You can now go online straight away, although only until you reboot, by typing the following into a terminal window:
sudo modprobe acerhk
echo on > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled
Wait a few seconds for wifi networks to appear in Networkmanager. Note that they won't appear instantly.
However, to make the change permanent, you'll need to do the following:
Open a terminal window and type the following to edit /etc/modules:
sudo nano /etc/modules
4. Add a new line at the end that reads simply
Save the file (Ctrl+X, Y, hit Enter).
5. Create a new text file as follows:
sudo nano /etc/rc2.d/S19wifiactivate
In the new text file, type the following:
echo on > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled
Save the file (Ctrl+X, Y, Enter).
6. Type the following to make your new file executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc2.d/S19wifiactivate
7. Reboot. When Ubuntu returns to service you should now have wireless working fine. No need to enable it using the keyboard shortcut.
To control the screen brightness, just add the Brightness applet to any panel. The keyboard shortcut keys don't work.