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Thread: Verizon um175 broadband

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Verizon um175 broadband

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to get my USB broadband card to work in Linux. I am running Ibex 8.10 with the hope that it would be supported but to no avail. I have tried the basic set up through network manager but, the broadband network doesn't show up in my networks. So after that I tried to use gnome-ppp to set it up but it will not detect the modem. I can't find a driver/all of the threads here or anywhere haven't helped me get this going.

    I'm a ubuntu N00B so I will need mostly a walk-through on this.

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Verizon um175 broadband

    I searched for several days trying to find help with this same problem and finally found a solution. However, I did not save the solution URL (sorry). Essentially, I had to initialize the Verizon account using a Windows operating system. I installed the VZAccess Manager software on the Windows machine and followed all the prompts. Once the UM175 was communicating as advertised, I plugged it into my Ubuntu 9.04 machine (freshly updated!!!) and the modem was recognized and I connected immediately. On previous install attempts I did enter all the required information requested in the NetworkManager|Mobile Broadband tab. That may have been why it seemed like a seemless solution. After I got the Ubuntu machine communicating with the Internet I uninstalled the VZAccess Manager from the Windows machine and all is well. By the way, I tried installing the VZAccess Manager in a Windows VirtualBox, but could not get access to the USB port. I've read other forums that corraborate this problem so don't bother trying that route. Use a pure Windows machine or a Windows partition and it will hopefully get you connected quickly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hiram, Ohio
    Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

    Re: Verizon um175 broadband

    I have been using the Pantech UM175 cellular modem from Verizon for about a year now and I have no comlpaints. Of course I can't remember if I had some... In any case all's well now.

    I'm running Ubuntu 8.10, Intrepid Ibex.

    I use WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60.

    Make a backup copy of etc/wvdial.conf (e.g. wvdial.conf.orig)

    Edit the etc/wvdial.conf file using gedit as below-

    [Dialer Defaults]
    Init1 = ATZ
    Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
    Stupid Mode = 1
    Modem Type = USB Modem
    ISDN = 0
    Phone = #777
    Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
    Username = your modem phone
    Auto Reconnect = on
    Password = vzw
    Baud = 460800

    Save the file.

    Then, using terminal enter-
    sudo wvdial

    Then you should see something like this-
    account name@account name@account name-desktop:~$ sudo wvdial

    Terminal will ask for your password...
    [sudo] password for account name:

    Then you will see a series of messages...
    --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
    --> Cannot get information for serial port.
    --> Initializing modem.
    --> Sending: ATZ
    --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
    ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
    --> Modem initialized.
    --> Sending: ATDT#777
    --> Waiting for carrier.
    --> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
    --> Starting pppd at Wed Oct 7 11:53:06 2009
    --> Pid of pppd: 11401
    --> Using interface ppp0
    --> local IP address
    --> remote IP address
    --> primary DNS address
    --> secondary DNS address

    You should now be connected.

    If this doesn't do the trick search the Forums using 'wvdial'

    Best Wishes
    Last edited by DLinn; October 7th, 2009 at 05:12 PM. Reason: Spacing
    Mobo=NFORCE 570 SLIT-A, Vid=Nvidia e-GeForce 7100 GS, Modem=USR external 56k Voice FaxModem Pro Model 0525, Primary Master HDD:Hitachi Model HDT722516DLAT80 170Gb. Primary Slave HDD:Seagate Model 5LR7PSR6 80Gb. Monitor=Viewsonic A75f 17" CRT.

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