This is probably trivial, but very irritating nonetheless. I dislike the Human icon theme, and for Ubuntu ships with Human themed style I also don't like. I've installed 3 using the popular PPA for Intrepid and no matter what I do, I cannot change the style to anything other than Human. As a last resort, I removed the GTK+ packages for OOo, which caused it to fall back on its own renderer (looks a lot like Windows, naturally). Finally, it used the Galaxy style (which I prefer), but... no GTK widgets! Arg!
The funny thing is that even after uninstalling the GTK+ packages, the Human style is always selected in the options dialog even after I change it.
Does anyone know what could be happening? I'd really like to get rid of the Human style and use Galaxy instead. I've already tried purging all packages and installing again from scratch to no avail.