Hey all I recently installed Ardour along with qjackctl and everything was working fine for a while. But just yesterday I noticed a lot of static coming from my speakers and deterimined that there seems to be a steady connection between the input from my computer's mic to the output of my speakers. I opened up the JACK control but i cant find any connections between system in - system out to disable and Im pretty new to managing sound ports. Any ideas? I cant use Ardour until this is fixed!
NEVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use the commands: sudo rm -rf or rm -rf unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing! These commands will permanently erase data on your computer! Guitarists! Show us what you can do!
Jack uses the alsa-mixer so in the volume control you can mute the mic and mic boost and it will stop playing through your speakers. It is only the capture settings in the mixer that matter for recording and those are separate.
thank you that got the hissing to stop but now if I want to record with Ardour I need to turn my mike back on and I stillget that hissing in my recordings. Do you know of a more permanent fix?
bump cmon I know there are a ton of people out there with experience with JACK
Originally Posted by semitone36 thank you that got the hissing to stop but now if I want to record with Ardour I need to turn my mike back on and I stillget that hissing in my recordings. Do you know of a more permanent fix? You should not need to have the mic turned on in the playback section of your mixer to record into ardour. Also, if you have other captures tuned on they can generate noise even with nothing connected to them which will show up in the mic input. If you have a mic boost capture option you should turn that on. You can also set the jack default input to your hardware, hw0 or hw0,0 or whatever instead of default, that might help. You could also try a different/better mic if you have one handy.
Originally Posted by markbuntu You could also try a different/better mic if you have one handy. Thank you again for the reply. Unfortunately I dont have the funds at the moment for a new mic so I am stuck with the one on my laptop. My only concern for now is that I dont want my speakers hiss whenever I turn on my mic, its very annoying! lol
Many of the drivers for HDA sound chips which are used in most laptops are incomplete in ALSA 1.0.15 and 1.0.16 which is used in Hardy. Some people with these devices have had better luck using ALSA 1.0.17 and Intrepid. ALSA 1.0.17 has improved drivers for many HDA devices including better mic control and more switch options. There is a thread around here about getting ALSA 1.0.17 or 1.0.18rc for Hardy if you do not care to upgrade to Intrepid.
Oh I should have mentioned that I am using Intrepid. I upgraded last week and everything was as it was with hardy. It was just when I started using Ardour that somehow a connection was made between system-in and system-out. If ALSA 1.0.17 comes with Intrepid then I should have it...
Anyone come up with a solution to this? I get a lot of static and crackles when I play something back through Ardour. If I export the file, then the sound is fine, so it's not a data issue. Any help is most appreciated.
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