Hi folks,
The existence of this repository is causing some concern among the Kubuntu
developers. We know there are people who still want KDE3, but recommend they
stick with 8.04 (Hardy) rather than use an untested and unsupported third party
archive. We are continuing to support Hardy for those users. In particular
there are some things about the way in which version numbers of the packages are
handled. Including a 7 at the start of the version number means that those
packages will always be newer than any package in the official Kubuntu repos
which all use an epoch of 4. This is probably the desired effect in the short
term for people using this KDE3 repository. However it is likely to cause
serious problems in the future as none of the official upgrade tools will be
unable to calculate a workable upgrade when the time comes for the transition
8.10 to 9.04 and future versions. If the upgrade does manage to proceed then the
end result is likely to be a badly broken system.
In addition, as future releases of KDE3 become less and less common the amount
of work required to maintain a usable KDE3 desktop will increase
dramatically. The interfaces presented by the underlying OS (kernel, X.org,
networking etc) will evolve but KDE3 software is unlikely to evolve to work with
those interfaces. At present the differences are small but they will grow. That
means this project extends from being a packaging effort into a coding and
patching project as well.
One of the main reasons that we decided not to keep KDE3 in Intrepid is that we
simply do not have the manpower to maintain both. If there are other people
prepared to do the work then we are open to discussion. If you want to contact
us on our mailing list at
kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com then we can try to work
out if there is a way for these packages to co-exist without breaking the
package management system.
Arby (on behalf of the Kubuntu development team)