I'm running a server on win2003 (I know it's bad, but no HW support from linux) and I have all the files stored there. The problem is that smb can't edit any of the folders like: Pictures, Music. It only says: "The permissions of "Pictures" could not be determined". Also the same problem with these folders in any non root directory. It's not a big problem with local files, but then running nauilus as root it can't go to network directories. Why is this happening? I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 x86-64. No problems from windows machines.
Try looking at the second link in my sig.
1) Samba server howto | 2) mount windows/samba shares with CIFS + unicode | 3) best FTP server howto 4) NFS server/client howto | 5) Easy cross-platform LAN file sharing with FTP 6) Fix samba browsing!!! | 7) Fix Pulse audio Happy Ubunting!
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