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Thread: Low quality recording?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Low quality recording?

    i'm using hardy, with the ubuntu studio packages, and the realtime kernel.
    that includes JACK, and etc.

    on Ardour, i'm getting a really low quality recording, (low sampling rate i believe), but the program is set on 48000hz, so whats the problem? it sounds terrible. i've checked everything physically (cables, mixer, etc), why is the quality so bad?

    can i fix this? i changed nothing and booted into windows, and ACID recorded everything with good quality, so whats up with ardour? why the low sampling rate? or is it something to do with JACK?

    i'm using Realtek AC97, integrated. and ALSA.

    it sounds like its recording at 22050hz instead. turning realtime on and off doesnt make a difference. (within ardour)
    sound recorder has bad quality to. Audacity flat out doesnt work
    Last edited by Kyle54; October 17th, 2008 at 09:15 PM.

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