ArchLinux : Package support is present in the AUR. All my packages can be seen here:
Ubuntu/Debian : All the script packages have now been copied into the Conky Hardcore PPA. Any package updates will be provided by the team through this new ppa. The ppa can be found here: To use this ppa first delete the old ppa files using this: "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/m-buck*". Then follow the modified first post instructions for the scripts
This is a simple script to display what is current downloading in Deluge. The script talks to Deluge using either xmlrpc or twisted and allows templates...
This script (old or new versions) requires Deluge ~v0.9 upwards. The hardy repo's do not provide this version. The deb package for this is available at:
There is a README with the install and attached here, I suggest you give it atleast a quick once over!
Basic Install
Method 1: Using apt
1) Create the necessary list file for access to the repository by running one of these.
Lucid Lynx:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-lucid.list
Karmic Koala:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-karmic.list
Jaunty Jackalope:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-jaunty.list
Intrepid Ibex:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-intrepid.list
Hardy Heron:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-hardy.list
2) Add the repository public key to your apt setup by running this:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
3) Now that is done simply install a package from the ppa, however there are 2 alternative packages to choice from:
- conkydeluge (script version 2.13+) - the latest version of the script, to be used with Deluge v.1.2.0 onwards.
- conkydeluge-pre120 (script version 2.12) - the old version of the script, to be used with Deluge 1.9 or lower.
The 2 packages can't be installed together as they ultimately result in the same file names being installed
To actually install run the following in the terminal, remember the text in blue below can be either "conkydeluge" or "conkydeluge-pre120":
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conkydeluge
Method 2: Using deb file
Download and run the attached .deb file
Warning, this will not ensure you are kept up-to-date. Only method 1 will do that 
Method 3: Using tar.gz file
Extract all the contents of the attached tar.gz file to an appropriate folder, and edit the conkyDeluge script to point to the correct location where is.
Unless you are using a non-Debian based OS I don't suggest this. Users of Debian/Ubuntu flavour OS's should ideally use method 1.
Again will will not receive updates using this method. ONLY method 1 can do this for you

All further details on setup are orientated around the deb package based install, so may differ from what you choose your setup to be, if done using the tarball.
Usage Help
To use the script in conky in it's simplist form, you'll need an exec statement like this:
${exec conkyDeluge}
To use a template for custom output, I suggest you read the README attached, and take a look at the example conkyrc and template files that are installed to "/usr/share/conkydeluge/example".
You can get the current help options at any time by running:
Usage: conkyDeluge [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
[default:] The server to connect to where
the deluge core is running
-p PORT, --port=PORT [default: 58846] The port to connect to where the
deluge core is running
-S, --showsummary Display summary output. This is affected by the
--activeonly option.
-H, --hidetorrentdetail
Hide torrent detail output, if used no torrent details
are output.
-t FILE, --torrenttemplate=FILE
Template file determining the format for each torrent.
Use the following placeholders: [name], [state],
[totaldone], [totalsize], [progress], [nofiles],
[downloadrate], [uploadrate], [eta], [currentpeers],
[currentseeds], [totalpeers], [totalseeds], [ratio].
-T FILE, --summarytemplate=FILE
Template file determining the format for summary
output. Use the following placeholders: [notorrents],
[totalprogress], [totaldone], [totalsize],
[totaldownloadrate], [totaluploadrate], [totaleta],
[currentpeers], [currentseeds], [totalpeers],
[totalseeds], [totalratio].
-a, --activeonly If set only info for torrents in an active state will
be displayed.
-l NUMBER, --limit=NUMBER
[default: 0] Define the maximum number of torrents to
display, zero means no limit.
Define the sort method for output, can be "progress",
"queue", "eta", "download", "upload" and "ratio". Also
note that a torrent's state supersedes anything else
for sorting, in the order, from top to bottom:
downloading, seeding, queued, paused, unknown)
-v, --verbose Request verbose output, no a good idea when running
through conky!
-V, --version Displays the version of the script.
--errorlogfile=FILE If a filepath is set, the script appends errors to the
--infologfile=FILE If a filepath is set, the script appends info to the
Development History
Development history going forwards can be seen here
All packages available from me can be found here:
I have also created a new website, for now it is relatively sparse, but it does details my conky scripts to a certain degree. You can find it here: