Yes it is a java problem. The first thing is you want to make sure you have the latest sun java 6 installed correctly and that its set as the default system JVM. After that, you will need to edit the Maple start script, or at least thats what I did to get Maple 11 working. I have 12 but as of yet I have not installed it.
So basically I installed maple to /root/maple11, and had to modify /root/maple11/bin/maple using a text editor.
Once I had the file open, I added the following two lines:
#override the Maple JRE Bin so it points to sun java 6
In my maple file that was placed at line number 355. The first piece of code after this assigns this variable to PATH.
So find the lines of code in the maple file that look something similar to this and place the above code right before it:
# Set the PATH so that Maple can find its various auxiliary programs.
if [ "$MAPLE_JRE_BIN" ]
export PATH
Also be aware that even if you install it to /root you do not need to run it using sudo for a regular user as running /root/mape11/bin/xmaple by itself will start it correctly.