The sendto extension in breezy only works with evolution The solution Nautilus Actions Install Package Code: sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions or click nautilus-actions you may need to restart nautilus Code: nautilus -q You will find the application under System->Preferences->Nautilus Application Actions Configuration Click "Add" Fill in label - Send Attachment Email via Thunderbird Fill in Path - mozilla-thunderbird Fill in Parameters - -compose "attachment=%u" Select the "Conditions" tab Fill in Filenames Pattern - * Check the "Only Files" options Click "OK" Close Done Pre configured Nautilus Actions you can import are available from includes many options such as * Merge many PDF files into a single one * Test a 7z archive for integrity * Create a 7z archive * Font installer * OptiPNG (Optimize PNG images) * thunderbird send to
sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions
nautilus -q
Last edited by KillerKiwi; April 1st, 2009 at 07:54 AM. Reason: Package is now in repo
great howto and thanks for the nautilus configuration editor.. that really expands the possibilities of customizing nautilus a whole lot.
Last edited by arnieboy; November 19th, 2005 at 05:55 AM.
cool! i hope that this is integrated in the next nautilus release.. The open terminal script si not too good Code: gnome-terminal --working-dir=%d
gnome-terminal --working-dir=%d
iAc alias Lizardking - Ubuntu Artwork Team web: mail:
To search in the current folder: Label= Search... Tooltip= Search for files Path= gnome-search-tool Parameters= --path=%M File pattern= * Appears if...= only folders Appears if selection has...= False Appears if scheme...= file (remote locations don't work)
Last edited by Omer; November 19th, 2005 at 03:16 PM.
Originally Posted by lizardking cool! i hope that this is integrated in the next nautilus release.. The open terminal script si not too good Code: gnome-terminal --working-dir=%d or install nautilus-open-terminal.
To print a batch of documents:: Label= Print Tooltip= Print selected documents Path= ooffice2 Parameters= -p %f File pattern= *.doc ; *.xls ; *.ppt ; *.odt ; *.ods ; *.odp ; *.odg ; *.sxw ; *.pps (or whatever ooo can handle) Appears if...= only files Appears if selection has...= True Appears if scheme...= ALL
the only feature that this editor lacks is the ability to edit right click menus in nautilus when NO files or folder are selected. I have added a feature request on the app's homepage and if this is implemented, it will make it a complete menu editor for nautilus and I will personally see to it that this gets into ubuntu universe.
Originally Posted by arnieboy great howto and thanks for the nautilus configuration editor.. that really expands the possibilities of customizing nautilus a whole lot. Cheers arnieboy PS Thanks again for Automatix, makes my life so much easier
Originally Posted by arnieboy the only feature that this editor lacks is the ability to edit right click menus in nautilus when NO files or folder are selected. I have added a feature request on the app's homepage and if this is implemented, it will make it a complete menu editor for nautilus and I will personally see to it that this gets into ubuntu universe. Thanks for your initiative. Yes, implementing this feature would be fantastic, and it shouldn't be too difficult either.
Here's a setting to open files/folders as root. It works so much more conveniently than the nautilus script I was using. Label: Sudo... Tooltip: Open with root privelages Path: gnome-sudo Parameters: "gnome-open %u" (be sure to put in the quotes) File Pattern: * Appears if selection contains: both Don't check multiple files or files option (if anyone has an idea on how to make that work let me know) Check these in scheme list: file, sftp
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