BitPim version: 1.0.6-Debian
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/", line 284, in run
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/", line 159, in __call__
return apply(self.method, self.args+args, d)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/", line 1884, in getdata
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/", line 1878, in getfundamentals
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 96, in getfundamentals
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 85, in get_esn
return self.get_brew_esn()
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 335, in get_brew_esn
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 1711, in _sendbrewcommand
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 755, in sendbrewcommand
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 114, in setmode
res=getattr(self, func)()
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 693, in _setmodebrew
self.sendbrewcommand(req, respc, callsetmode=False)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 1711, in _sendbrewcommand
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 757, in sendbrewcommand
request.writetobuffer(buffer, logtitle="sendbrewcommand")
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 2536, in writetobuffer
self.__field_header=requestheader(**{'command': 0x0c})
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/", line 42, in __init__
TypeError: object.__init__() takes no parameters
Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last
Frame _sendbrewcommand in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 1714
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
args = (<phones.p_brew.ESN_req object at 0xc071d2c>, <class 'phones.p_brew.ESN_resp'>)
func = <bound method Phone.sendbrewcommand of <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc0
kwargs = Keys []
Frame sendbrewcommand in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 755
callsetmode = True
request = <phones.p_brew.ESN_req object at 0xc071d2c>
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
responseclass = <class 'phones.p_brew.ESN_resp'>
Frame setmode in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 116
desiredmode = 'modebrew'
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
strmode = 'none'
strdesiredmode = 'brew'
func = '_setmodebrew'
v = 'writeobject'
Frame _setmodebrew in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 696
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
req = <phones.p_brew.memoryconfigrequest object at 0xc0719ac>
respc = <class 'phones.p_brew.memoryconfigresponse'>
Frame _sendbrewcommand in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 1714
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
args = (<phones.p_brew.memoryconfigrequest object at 0xc0719ac>, <class 'phones.p_brew.
func = <bound method Phone.sendbrewcommand of <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc0
kwargs = Keys ['callsetmode']
{'callsetmode': False}
Frame sendbrewcommand in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 757
buffer = <prototypes.buffer object at 0xc07192c>
callsetmode = False
request = <phones.p_brew.memoryconfigrequest object at 0xc0719ac>
self = <phones.com_lgvx8700.Phone object at 0xc071f6c>
responseclass = <class 'phones.p_brew.memoryconfigresponse'>
Frame writetobuffer in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 2536
buf = <prototypes.buffer object at 0xc07192c>
autolog = True
logtitle = 'sendbrewcommand'
self = <phones.p_brew.memoryconfigrequest object at 0xc0719ac>
Frame __init__ in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phones/ at line 42
self = <phones.p_brew.requestheader object at 0xc0718ac>
args = ()
dict = Keys ['command']
{'command': 12}
kwargs = Keys ['command']
{'command': 12}