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Thread: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

  1. #41
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    OK, both downloaded when I woke up this morning, will have a look when I get home from work tonight. BTW, I downloaded the 8.04.1 release, is this what you used, or did you use the 8.04 release?
    "Python, the language that wraps itself around a problem to squeeze out a solution, swallowing it whole."
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  2. #42
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    Quote Originally Posted by ByteJuggler View Post
    OK, both downloaded when I woke up this morning, will have a look when I get home from work tonight. BTW, I downloaded the 8.04.1 release, is this what you used, or did you use the 8.04 release?
    The 8.04 version, and it was the 32.

    Let me know if it works for you, because, then I'll just try to get my hands on the 8.04.1...

  3. #43
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    Quote Originally Posted by SideOfPotatoes View Post
    The 8.04 version, and it was the 32.

    Let me know if it works for you, because, then I'll just try to get my hands on the 8.04.1...
    Sorry life got in the way last night and we only got home very late so I didn't have time to look into this, will definitely do so tonight. Apologies this is taking so long. (I suggest you get the release anyway in the meantime, if you can easily do so.)
    "Python, the language that wraps itself around a problem to squeeze out a solution, swallowing it whole."
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  4. #44
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    Quote Originally Posted by ByteJuggler View Post
    Sorry life got in the way last night and we only got home very late so I didn't have time to look into this, will definitely do so tonight. Apologies this is taking so long. (I suggest you get the release anyway in the meantime, if you can easily do so.)
    Hey, there is absolutely no need to appologize! You are doing me a giant favor by doing this! (And I got caught biking 40 miles in the rain last night, so I didn't feel like fiddling with the computer much...)

    Thanks again for your help, and I'll try to get a handle on 8.04.1!


  5. #45
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    Right, well to make a long story short: The install went fine, once I sorted out some space to put it, what to install, and solved some GRUB/boot issues (none of which was UbuntuStudio's fault -- I have a slightly convoluted setup with RAID-0 array and single disks, but didn't have room to put the new install so connected another disk, which threw my GRUB out of whack etc etc etc etc... eventually sorted it all out.)

    Anyway, looks rather slick I might say. A word of warning, it can install shedloads of stuff, I dug up a 2.4GB partition which I thought would be plenty, but it all but filled it even though I installed *only* the audio production loadout and Ubuntu desktop (Don't forget that, othewise you end up with text only install lol.) Over 20 sound production apps (having scanned the menu's), possibly more.

    Anyway, Get 8.04.1 and see if tha works for you. I've now got it as well so can try to assist...
    "Python, the language that wraps itself around a problem to squeeze out a solution, swallowing it whole."
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  6. #46
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    I have someone getting 8.04.1 for me now (hopefully), so I'll give that a shot as soon as I have it.

    Since your GRUB issue was not a studio problem, is it possible that my issue is also not with Ubuntu Studio? (The only thing I've done to the computer is switched out the hard drive.)

  7. #47
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    Re: Ubuntu Home Recording Studio... how do I get there...

    Hmmm. Can you do me a favour and just describe exactly what your current HDD setup/config is. I've just scanned the whole thread again as I've begun to forget all the salient details but am still unclear about what exactly your current config/setup is. It is quite possible that you're having a GRUB issue rather than an Ubuntu studio issue.

    Ideally if you have a single HDD which is dedicated to your new install, I'll be tempted to walk you through nuking the existing partition table on the disk from orbit to make sure there's no pre-existant partitions that could cause trouble during installation, and then only trying the install.
    "Python, the language that wraps itself around a problem to squeeze out a solution, swallowing it whole."
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