Complete novice here with virtually no technical knowledge. Have a PC with XP (cos it runs the special software that I need) and one with Ubuntu. (If all the software was available for Ubuntu I'd change over completely). They are connected by a LAN cable. I THINK I've installed Samba, at least I went through a process - found it in Synaptic Package Manager and installed from there. But I'm having problems getting them to see each other. File sharing is set up on XP but I'm not sure how to do it in Ubuntu. Also Windows shows me the Ubuntu computer when I 'map the network', but won't let me in, it keeps asking for username and password - which I haven't set up (probably a Windows issue so outside this forum). I am much more familiar with Windows and very new to Ubuntu so need a bit of help to get this sorted. Most of you guys use a lot of technical language which is a bit overwhelming for an ordinary user, so advice in simple language if possible please. Very many thanks
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