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Thread: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by madjr View Post
    i also think the wiki software feels really old.

    it lacks in many aspects.

    finding stuff is almost impossible, unless you have a direct link.

    for some stuff like development is pretty good

    but for guides it sucks and most of them are outdated. Many prefer posting the guides on the forums.

    really need some upgrades and a way to search.
    You should have seen the Wiki three years ago. It was even more difficult to navigate then. You had to go about three links deep just to find any documentation whatsoever.

    My main frustration with the Wiki is how comprehensive it is. Comprehensiveness can be a good thing... sometimes. But for new users, it can be overwhelming. They don't want instructions that are convoluted and take into account every single possible situation. They just want the basics, at least at first.

    That's why I created my Psychocats tutorials. I like to keep it digestible and straightforward. A lot of times I get suggestions from people, and I have to decline to take them, even though they're well-meaning. If you want to see what I'm talking about, take a look at the difference between and

    You'll see that I've boiled it down to the exact steps for installing the Mozilla Firefox with only some minimal explanation. The Wiki, however, goes on and on with overwhelming information and too many different installation methods. Since it is completely text-only, it just looks like a huge wall of text. It's not digestible. Part of that has to do with the styling. Maybe it's a limit in the Wiki software. I'm not sure.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    to tell the truth
    I seldom use the Wiki
    Although sometimes it is very useful
    it is too old
    and the gui of it is not very good
    I use Google more~

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    Nope, I dont use the Wiki.

  4. #14
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by aysiu View Post
    You should have seen the Wiki three years ago. It was even more difficult to navigate then. You had to go about three links deep just to find any documentation whatsoever.

    My main frustration with the Wiki is how comprehensive it is. Comprehensiveness can be a good thing... sometimes. But for new users, it can be overwhelming. They don't want instructions that are convoluted and take into account every single possible situation. They just want the basics, at least at first.

    That's why I created my Psychocats tutorials. I like to keep it digestible and straightforward. A lot of times I get suggestions from people, and I have to decline to take them, even though they're well-meaning. If you want to see what I'm talking about, take a look at the difference between and

    You'll see that I've boiled it down to the exact steps for installing the Mozilla Firefox with only some minimal explanation. The Wiki, however, goes on and on with overwhelming information and too many different installation methods. Since it is completely text-only, it just looks like a huge wall of text. It's not digestible. Part of that has to do with the styling. Maybe it's a limit in the Wiki software. I'm not sure.
    yes, that's a huge difference.

    i do consider myself experienced and not afraid of the terminal, but i would prefer your guide over the wiki any day.

    i really like and your tutorials could be very useful for the new ibex spec:
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  5. #15
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    I use the Wiki occasionally. It's not the best, but it's pretty decent. I learned how to use ssh from the Wiki, among other things
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  6. #16
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevdog View Post
    I often look for information on new topics -- call me the constant tinkerer. Rarely however do I consult the Ubuntu community wiki. It seems my search strategy is usually the forums, and then google. If google references a page in the wiki I'll take a look, but more often its a personal blog, another forum, another website.

    Does anyone consult the wiki on a regular basis? What information have you found helpful in the wiki? I often find the info out of date.
    I first search on some keywords in the search engine, then if I don't find any relevant results (rarely), I search in the forums.

    I never really use the wiki as I always get lost, and the info isn't really up to date or the thing you looking for can be explained the hardest possible way.

  7. #17
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    Would the wiki be better if for example it allowed screen captures and other pictures that explained processes better (similar to psychocats' tutorial pages -- which are excellent when first starting out!).

    And no unfortunately I've never contributed to the wiki. Perhaps I am part of the problem.

  8. #18
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    I consult the Ubuntu Wiki and ArchLinux Wiki at times to give me something to read. At times, I just stumble across different things and then say "Hey. I didn't know that. I'll try that.".
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  9. #19
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: Do you consult the wiki? Ever?

    IMHO, the wiki is fantastic for configuring server software. That information does not age so fast. Most of the other stuff is pretty old though.

    The search function is horrible though. It is completely unfit for such a big wiki. You should at least be able to filter out old versions (BreezyUpgrade!?!) and international versions.

    As for the Arch wiki, it is a lot smaller and probably more managable. There isn't a single problem that I could not solve using the wiki. I almost feel sorry for buying a new laptop and discarding my old junker (that ran Arch). Maybe I should ditch the default linux version on my EEE (we hates Xandrossss, my Preciousssss) and reinstall Arch.

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