Should Should we use antivirus software or something ? Because I heart that there are some open source antivirus and firewall softwares ... ?!! Maybe some people is making virus...How do we know that ? It is possible ...
Also I have install my friend ubuntu 8 . He use just aMSN, firefox, open office and he listen musics . AT the beginning everything was fine,but after 2 weeks he start to call me for problems. He is sure that he didn't do anything else . If he didn't do something else how the problems started ?
The problems are : Firefox was very slow ... aMSN can't connected... Sometimes at the beginning when he log in about 5 minutes cpu works %100 ... Sometimes ubuntu didn't shut down...
(He did not use two operation system. He use just ubuntu . I had everything delete...)
Now I have installed ubuntu 8 .. But I couldn't install my driver ( If you can help me ---> ) If I can connect internet , should I install firewall or something ?