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Thread: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Rosario, Argentina

    Unhappy Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    Hey there. I know there are tons - TONS - of threads like these, but after 20 mins on Google I just couldn't find anything related to it :S.

    When I had problems, I've spent hours on Debian or Ubuntu with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. But that won't do the trick anymore! as pretty much of what I can configure there now is the keyboard :S. The xorg.conf looks quite empty as only a third part of what I used to see is there. Dunno where to look anymore! =(

    Thing is, it's a Samsung SyncMaster 550v, it should allow 1024x768@60 but the max is 800x600@60 =( I need to configure that computer for 1024 :S as it was on Gutsy (I've just upgraded it - well, clean installed, the alt inst upgrade CD wont work neither: hardy has just given me headaches on all computers so far T_T i miss gutsy at some moments).
    The Administration > Screens Manager is gone as well, from Gutsy :S

    All solutions I find are for Gutsy ¬¬ I know how to on gutsy, i just had to edit existing data...
    Any help? =(

    Started on Mandrake, migrated to Debian, switched to Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon, downgraded to Hardy Heron.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    Though my solution is non standard, I moved my /etc/X11/xorg.conf to a diff file and killed xserver. when it start xserver again it askes for settings properly. so I was able to configure my lcd settings and driver options properly this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by ArtPulse View Post
    Hey there. I know there are tons - TONS - of threads like these, but after 20 mins on Google I just couldn't find anything related to it :S.

    When I had problems, I've spent hours on Debian or Ubuntu with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. But that won't do the trick anymore! as pretty much of what I can configure there now is the keyboard :S. The xorg.conf looks quite empty as only a third part of what I used to see is there. Dunno where to look anymore! =(

    Thing is, it's a Samsung SyncMaster 550v, it should allow 1024x768@60 but the max is 800x600@60 =( I need to configure that computer for 1024 :S as it was on Gutsy (I've just upgraded it - well, clean installed, the alt inst upgrade CD wont work neither: hardy has just given me headaches on all computers so far T_T i miss gutsy at some moments).
    The Administration > Screens Manager is gone as well, from Gutsy :S

    All solutions I find are for Gutsy ¬¬ I know how to on gutsy, i just had to edit existing data...
    Any help? =(

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Rosario, Argentina

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    I've stopped gdm, moved the file, then started gdm again, yet no dialog nor anything came up :S...

    might I add: that computer has an integrated graphics card, and a pretty bad one I think xD no restricted drivers to install... Compiz won't work =P that is not important, guess it doesn't has 3D acceleration. But I need to set things to 1024x768@60 =(
    Last edited by ArtPulse; May 31st, 2008 at 04:12 PM.

    Started on Mandrake, migrated to Debian, switched to Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon, downgraded to Hardy Heron.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    jax beach
    Xubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    dont know if this will help but under add/remove install intell 915 patch and restart the xserver that alowed the higher setting for me with vcrd on motherboard.

  5. #5
    RealG187 is offline Chocolate-Covered Ubuntu Beans
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    Goto recovery mode from grub and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" at promt, just BS through the options until you get to refresh rate, the best bet is to chose "medium" it displays the display modes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Rosario, Argentina

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    I... I... am not sure what i've done xD I've added a few lines at xorg.conf after half hour of searching... added the mode "1024x768@60" at two places and it worked o.O lol I still dunno why, after so many people having these problems, they haven't come up with a "force resolution" checkbox, up to the user's risk, for the ones that know what they're doing...

    it's not my computer so I can't paste the conf file now >.< for those who might have the same problem... sorry... If anyone does, ask, and i'll take the moment to do so xP. PM me, whatever.

    anyways, thanks everyone!! =P

    Started on Mandrake, migrated to Debian, switched to Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon, downgraded to Hardy Heron.

  7. #7
    RealG187 is offline Chocolate-Covered Ubuntu Beans
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Higher screen resolution on Hardy Heron

    Apparrently the xorg method doesn't work in Hardy...

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