hi there i just need your useful advice!!!i have ubuntu 8.0.4 and a m audio 1010LT. Let's begin... I open jack,then i open hydrogen(drum machine)and go to connections of jack,i see a device called 'system"(i think this is 1010LT)and hydrogen also.i see that hydrogen is connected with systems 1-2 output so when i press play i hear hydrogen from my speakers(which are pluged in 1010LT 1-2 out).On the left side i see 12 capture channels that have a picture of a mic and i can't understand which of these are the input of 1010LT(i have plug in 3-4 input of 1010LT the line out of my guitar amp)so i can't rout the guitar to ardour for recording.Plz help i cant't wait having all these magic progs and doing nothing!!!!!thnx very much!!!plz help me...
Last edited by snakepit_26; May 29th, 2008 at 03:11 PM. Reason: thanx plz reply!!!!!
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