hmmm, true,the 64 bit install is quite snappy and reliable, a great deal of the programs are available in 64 bits, however java and flash are a bit tricky. Okay flash works ok, with gnash, youtube works fine, but some times I cant play an specific flv file, this week's zero ponctuation was one.

I can't recall what java I have installed, I prolly tried sun's jre, and so far I can't visualize test applets, I will try another version and keep ya posted.

The last bug that I found was in wolfenstein ET, actually a few other programs, it's a 32 bit program, I manage to run it, but there's no sound, I have googled around and there have been other people complaining of no sound when porting x86 programs into 64 bits...

Despite all that I run my 64 bit partition 90 percent of the time, so my advice would be to go ahead try it out, but in case things get a little to complicated you might wanna consider keeping a 32 bit partition.