I was wondering if C# has any chances against Java on the Unix platforms. As I am a newbie in this stuff, can someone recommend either of these languages as better, or point to some of the basic differences? Thanks in advance
If you are going to use C# or Java, I would recommend Java. Java is cross platform and compatibility is greater in all platforms on which is it implemented. The standard C# is implemented in mono, but many C# features are not part of the standard.
Java. It's a better language, better established, better job prospects.
in Linux environments they will probably never use c# because MS wants it to be tied to the Windows platform. There is Mono but that won't be enough for most people... so if you want to develop under Linux then chosse Java if you develop under Windows i think c# is a better choice because c# has better performance under Win. The languages them self are almost the same no big difference... about Jobs: Java has a lot of openings but there are a lot of trained Java developers too, c# has less opportunities but there are less developers for it. if you are good then you can get Jobs easy with both. IMHO c# will grow fast but we can never know what will happen when java 7 goes 100% open source
What are your goals? Both Java and C# are languages without smooth integration to Linux world. C# is MSFT answer to Java, almost identical (some people say slightly improved, with interesting integration of dynamic languages recently added), but more proprietary: Java is GPL now, while C# has free reimplementation, Mono, which is always little behind C#, little more buggy, and possibly might have patent problems - nobody is sure either way (but you should be safe if you are Novel customer). Linux has own set of languages: C, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. Job situation is even more bogus answer than blindly suggesting java - unless apoth is expert on job market in Macedonia
As someone who gets paid to program in box for different projects I would go with Java. As has been said already, C# is intentionally tied to the Windows platform. When Microsoft says C# and .Net more specifically is cross platform, they mean cross platform on THEIR platforms such as Windows XP, Vista, Windows CE, etc. When Sun says Java is cross platform they mean Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD, Embedded stuff, etc. C# will restrict you to Windows. Both Java and .Net really are platforms in themselves. The idea being that they are a layer running on top of the OS. They use a virtual machine to make this work. They only work on Operating Systems with a VM for them. Java simply has more Operating Systems with VMs. Language choice depends on what you want to do. C# is great if all you want is Windows and never ever the possibility of anything else. Java is great if you want a well structured system that will run on all the major platforms with little code changing. Maybe neither is the choice either, depends what you want to do. It also depends on project constraints, sometimes you have no choice. In my view though Java is clearly the winner. Basically, C# is Microsoft's response to Java becoming more popular than their languages. They saw the trend and needed to stop it so they essentially made a copy of Java with various changes. Mono has made C# at least possible on *nix, but Microsoft never intended .Net to work outside of their platforms. It will never be the same as C# and will always lag behind.
I do C# programming on Linux for a living using Mono, so there are definitely jobs out there - and more companies seem to be moving to Mono every week if you pay attention to the Mono mailing lists. The people claiming Mono doesn't work well on Linux or is "far behind .NET" are a bit out of touch with reality. If you want the les widely used features of Windows.Forms or ADO/ASP.NET, then maybe, yea, but this guy is asking about C# on Linux which leads me to suspect he's asking about writing desktop applications on Linux. There are a growing number of applications written for Linux in C# - like Banshee, F-Spot, Muine, MonoDevelop (a really nice IDE for C#), Tomboy, etc. As far as I can tell, developers writing desktop applications for Linux consistently choose C# over Java, not the other way around. When was the last time you saw a Java desktop application other than Eclipse? Since Mono runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, game consoles, and embedded devices (including the iPhone), seems to me that writing apps in C# can be quite portable. As far as what features C# has over Java, there are a lot of them. Java is desperately trying to incorporate many of the new features of C# into Java but are doing a poor job of it (e.g. Java has a very poor implementation of generics compared to C#). C# also has really nice syntax for acessor methods called Properties. For example, in C# you can do something like this: public class MyClass { int myNumber; public int MyNumber { get { return myNumber; } set { myNumber = value; } } } If you have an instance of MyClass called fu, you'd simply do: int number = fu.MyNumber; or fu.MyNumber = 5; If you decide to use a newer version of C# than 2.0 (I stick with 2.0 since our projects are all in 2.0), then it is even simpler. In Java, equivalent would be much uglier: public class MyClass { int myNumber; public int GetMyNumber () { return myNumber; } public void SetMyNumber (int num) { myNumber = num; } } usage would be: int number = fu.GetMyNumber (); fu.SetMyNumber (5); Properties are also extremely useful to accomplish similar tasks to things like unions in C which are very useful in graphics programming. C# also has structs and enums which Java does not. C# also has delegates/anonymous methods which Java does not (altho I hear that Java is planning on adding support for these in 7.0?) Newer versions of C# introduce new features such as LINQ and 'var' which can be quite useful (in fact, the C++ standard is adding something similar to LINQ at the moment). As you can see, Java is playing catch-up to C# in many ways. If my assertion that you are planning on writing desktop applications is wrong and you are planning on writing server-side software, then yes, it /may/ be better to use Java as it is more common in the server (also it is probably safer as it is unclear as to whether Mono's ASP.NET is safe from patent attacks, but the core (anything you'd use to write GUI apps in Linux) should be safe as it is an ECMA standard). For more information about C# on Linux, I suggest you look at http://www.go-mono.org or http://www.monoproject.com If you decide to go with Java, you'll probably want to grab Eclipse as your IDE - I forget the url, but it's probably something like http://www.eclipse.org or something. Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by alternatealias ... but this guy is asking about C# on Linux which leads me to suspect he's asking about writing desktop applications on Linux. There are a growing number of applications written for Linux in C# - like Banshee, F-Spot, Muine, MonoDevelop (a really nice IDE for C#), Tomboy, etc. As far as I can tell, developers writing desktop applications for Linux consistently choose C# over Java, not the other way around. When was the last time you saw a Java desktop application other than Eclipse? There are Java bindings for both GTK (java-gnome) and QT4 (qt-jambi), therefore you wouldn't be limited to using Java's Swing. I find QT-Jambi to be very cool even though I don't use Java. Have a look at this page.
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Originally Posted by alternatealias For more information about C# on Linux, I suggest you look at http://www.go-mono.org or http://www.monoproject.com Just to avoid confusion/frustration, it's http://www.mono-project.com/, and http://www.go-mono.org/ redirects to http://www.mono-project.com/.
Last edited by Nemooo; April 9th, 2008 at 06:00 PM.
Eternally Confuzzled | Arc
Originally Posted by tseliot There are Java bindings for both GTK (java-gnome) and QT4 (qt-jambi), therefore you wouldn't be limited to using Java's Swing. I never said otherwise However, one must note that the Java-GNOME bindings are not mature and do not commit to API stability (I just re-read their website in case things had changed). Also, I can still not find any desktop apps written using the java-gnome bindings... can you? Part of the reason there are so few (if any?) java-gnome apps out there is because the java-gnome developers refuse to commit to an API, which in turn prevents application developers from bothering to write apps using java-gnome. You'd think that since the java-gnome bindings have been in development since 1998 (years before C# ever showed up), that they'd have stable bindings by now, but they do not... The Gtk# bindings for C#, on the other hand, are stable. This basically means that if you are serious about writing Java desktop applications, you have to choose a fugly UI toolkit that will not fit in with any other applications running on the desktop. Who in their right mind would want to do that? Clearly not many people do, or we'd have Java apps on our desktop - but we don't! Fact of the matter is, there is more popularity and development behind C# on Linux than there is for Java (as far as desktop development goes, anyway) for quite a number of reasons... and it appears to me that the Java crowd aren't willing to fix those problems because they are too arrogant in thinking that everyone else is as anti-Microsoft as they are and that they therefor do not have to bother improving their language, tools, bindings, etc. The sad thing is, is that 10 years ago Java was #1 and had no real competition... so Sun slacked off, and now C# has totally kicked their butts. Java continues to sadden me because Sun is still slacking off, hoping that if they hide their heads in the sand, C# will just go away instead of doing what needs to be done. Oh sure, they are implementing some of the C# features, but in a half-arsed way (e.g. generics) and they appear to be doing absolutely no innovation of their own. What's even sadder is that many of the C# features they are now desperately trying to get into Java were proposed/requested nearly 10 years ago by Sun's customers using Java, but they REFUSED to implement them. Sun f'd up. Big time. And now they are paying for it. Innovate or die. Java chose to die.
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