In order to promote the use of Ubuntu in the mainstream community, we introduce the "Ubuntu - Happy User" initiative. (Ubuntu Usuario Feliz, in spanish) While we all know the benefits of GNU / Linux and particularly Ubuntu, it is perhaps COMMUNITY SENSE users, one of the most attractive feature. A large number of users are helping each other every day; to resolve concerns, to resolve needs, to develop new products, to confront problems, to share exciting features and info, and also to be an active part of the community itself. Join this initiative! Send us an image of yourself, showing you with your PC or PORTABLE, on Ubuntu BOOT or GDM , or even a logo of Ubuntu. You do not need to give us personal information or even a name. Just let them know you're a Ubuntu happy user! Please, send PICS on JPG, 1024 × 768 pixels maximum. SEND YOUR PHOTO TO:
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