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Thread: Need help converting PHP/BASH script to pure BASH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Need help converting PHP/BASH script to pure BASH

    I thought it would be best to split this off from a previous topic I started as it was getting off track from my original question, so I apologize for the double-post.

    I wrote a PHP script that was heavily dependant on BASH because I couldn't quite get BASH to do what I wanted. This script will scan a specified folder for all files that end in .wmv or .asf and convert them to .avi using mencoder. I'm now, however, trying to make it purely a BASH script to remove the dependency on php-cli.

    My PHP script:
    $extensions = array('wmv', 'asf');
    $folder = '/home/brett/torrents/__completed__';
    print(' -- Looking in '.$folder.' for all specified files...'."\n");
    foreach ($extensions as $ext)
    	$data .= shell_exec('find '.$folder.' -iname *.'.$ext); #load data found by find into $data, case-insensitive
    if (empty($data))
    	die(' -- No files found. Exiting...'."\n");
    $files_found = explode("\n",$data); # turn each new line into a piece of an array
    foreach ($files_found as $key => $value)
    	if (is_null($value) || $value == '') {
    		unset($files_found[$key]); # get rid of all empty values
    $file_count = count($files_found);
    print(' -- '.$file_count.' file(s) found. Continuing...'."\n");
    foreach ($files_found as $file_name)
    	$file_name_escaped = addcslashes($file_name,' &\'"()'); # escape  (space),&, \, ", (, ) for Linux CLI
    	$file_type = shell_exec('file --brief '.$file_name_escaped); # only display file_type output
    	//print('file --brief '.$file_name."\n"); # for debugging what will be read by file
    	if(preg_match('/Microsoft/',$file_type)) # make sure the file extension is what is says it is... .wmv and .asf usually returns as 'Microsoft ASF'
    		print(' -- Converting '.$file_name.' ...'."\n"); # show user what we're converting
    		shell_exec('mencoder '.$file_name_escaped.' -ovc copy -oac copy -o '.$file_name_escaped.'.avi 2>&1 > /dev/null'); # hide output, for aesthetics only
    		print(' -- Removing '.$file_name.' ...'."\n"); # show user what we're removing
    		shell_exec('rm -f '.$file_name_escaped); # remove old file
    But I'm already running into problems converting the 'foreach' loop to BASH.

    Specifically here:
    foreach ($extensions as $ext)
    	$data .= shell_exec('find '.$folder.' -iname *.'.$ext); #load data found by find into $data, case-insensitive
    if (empty($data))
    	die(' -- No files found. Exiting...'."\n");
    $files_found = explode("\n",$data); # turn each new line into a piece of an array
    foreach ($files_found as $key => $value)
    	if (is_null($value) || $value == '') {
    		unset($files_found[$key]); # get rid of all empty values
    $file_count = count($files_found);
    print(' -- '.$file_count.' file(s) found. Continuing...'."\n");
    I want to be able to find all files that end in .wmv and .asf (case-insensitive), which I've done, but then make sure it found at least one file. I would like it to count how many files it found, but it isn't too important. The point of storing the output of 'find' in $data was so I could act on each file individually using mencoder...

    This is what I have so far:
    $EXTENSIONS=array('wmv', 'asf');
    function check_parameters(){
    	print_func "check_parameters"
    	if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    		force_exit 1 "Wrong number of parameters; USAGE: ./$FILENAME <folder_to_search>"
    function search_for_files(){
    	for EXT in $EXTENSIONS; do
    		find $FOLDER -iname *.$EXT # how can I get mencoder to act on each file it finds individually?
    function print_func(){
    	echo " ## $1()"
    function print_info(){
    	echo " -- $1, continuing..."
    function print_warn(){
    	echo " ** $1, continuing..."
    function force_exit() {
    	echo " !! $2, exiting..."
    	exit $1
    function safe_exit() {
    	echo " -- Safely exiting..."
    	exit 0
    I appreciate any help you can give me =)
    Last edited by altonbr; April 4th, 2008 at 05:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Need help converting PHP/BASH script to pure BASH

    # find /path -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "*asf" -o -name "*.wmf" \)  -print | while read -r FILE
     mencoder <options> $FILE
    or using -exec
    # find /path -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "*asf" -o -name "*.wmf" \) -exec mencoder <options> "{}" \;  #not tested

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Need help converting PHP/BASH script to pure BASH

    Please ,anybody know how to convert this extract video thumb php file into bash script file
    PHP Code:
    function extract_video_thumbs($video_path$video_id)
    $duration   get_video_duration($video_path$video_id);
        if ( 
    $duration 180 ) {
    $ss     60;
    $step   5;
        } elseif ( 
    $duration 120 ) {
    $ss     15;
    $step   5;
        } elseif ( 
    $duration 60 ) {
    $ss     10;
    $step   2;
        } else {
    $ss     1;
    $step   1;
    $i 0;
    mkdir($config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id);
    mkdir($config['TMB_DIR']. '/' .$video_id);
    $i <= 20 ) {
    $width  $config['img_max_width'];
    $height $config['img_max_height'];
            if (
    $i == 0) {
    $width  320;
    $height 240;
            if ( 
    $config['thumbs_tool'] == 'ffmpeg' ) {
    $cmd    $config['ffmpeg']. ' -i ' .$video_path' -f image2 -ss ' .$ss' -s ' .$width'x' .$height' -vframes 2 -y ' .$config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id'/%08d.jpg';
            } else {
    $cmd    $config['mplayer']. ' ' .$video_path' -ss ' .$ss' -nosound -vop scale='.$width.':'.$height.' -vo jpeg:outdir=' .$config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id' -frames 2';
    log_conversion($config['LOG_DIR']. '/' .$video_id'.log'$cmd);
    exec($cmd' 2>&1'$output);
    log_conversion($config['LOG_DIR']. '/' .$video_id'.log'implode("\n"$output));
            if ( 
    file_exists($config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id'/00000002.jpg') ) {
    $src    $config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id'/00000002.jpg';
            } else {
    $src    $config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id'/00000001.jpg';
    $dst    = ( $i == ) ? $config['TMB_DIR']. '/' .$video_id'/default.jpg' $config['TMB_DIR']. '/' .$video_id'/' .$i'.jpg';
    log_conversion($config['LOG_DIR']. '/' .$video_id'.log'$src"\n" .$dst);
    $ss $ss+$step;
            if ( 
    $ss $duration ) {
    $ss $ss-$step;
    unlink($config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$video_id);


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