Is if possible to have a dialog w/a knowledgeable person on Xubuntu 7.10 install or PartedMagic usage via this board or e-mail? I've installed ver:7.10 twice now in the last week. Thank U fr Stroud, America tom
I'll try my best and if I can't help there are plenty that frequent that should be able to help. also #xubuntu on IRC could help...
-Trey Registered Ubuntu user #2446 | Registered Linux user #419493
Trey thanks for your reply. I have a 2 pc environment. 1) installed Xubuntu 7.10 & it works great. Then I noticed it was only using 34g of my 400g hd. 2) downloaded 'gparted', from OSD folks, onto my primary XP pc but the cd burner seems not to be working for a 'image burn'.(Roxio) 3) purchased 'PartedMagic', from the OSD guys, but it has a problem booting up. 4) did a re-install using my 'Xubuntu LiveCD', & choose 'Entire Disk LVM' as my install option. It took much longer than my first install but still only uses 34g. Any ideas? tks tom ''
Last edited by mltom; March 11th, 2008 at 02:02 PM.
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