Oh yea, seen a few of these powered by stickers(images) around the net. So here is my bash at it You can see I put a windows reflection on the left side of the green spheres..I still laugh to myself on how effectively this tricks the eye.... Slán Derek
That looks very sweet. Do you think you can shiny up "powered by" though, and save it as an svg, so it's scalable?
Mudlet (native text MMO's)
I redone parts of the logo. I always find if you come back to something your working on, you tweak things for the better. Although for this piece of graphics, I think more doodling is needed....ok for now maybe? I attached the original .svg file for you to play with it in inkscape....Maybe you can post your own version Slán Derek
Sweet, thanks. I was just wanting the svg because the picture is too big, and I'd like to scale it down for use on some websites
It doesn't seem to be rendering properly... inkscape & gimp show it different but not right (see attachment). Mind sharing the original file you're working on? (unless it's in photoshop or something, I don't have that).
Hmmm strange. Doesn't seem to be rendering the font. Can you try adding some text in yourself to see if it works out ok? When I get some time ill test it myself as best I can. That was a copy of the original file. Cheers! Derek
happy_tux, great artwork! I'm afraid you have mixed up the colors order though. here's the original ubuntu-ie logo
My Blog | Irish Ubuntu Community Registered Linux User #401535 | Registered Ubuntu User #13516
Yes I was doodling with inkscape and not concentrating on structure tooo much...But once the groundwork is done in inkscape, its not too hard to change colours around n stuff... If anybody wants to look-up the official colours of the Irish flag, head on over to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ireland Cheers Derek
One of those would be nice on my EeePC but what I'd really like is Ubuntu on it. I'm reading around the subject. Xandros (a la Asus) seems very compromised to me as if it's really a Windows wannabee.
Yes them eeePc's seem to be popular alright. I think if I had one, the first think I would do is wipe it Lots of interest around it on ubuntu... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC Cheers Derek
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