I am new to latex and lyx and have decided to use it for my thesis. I have a class file that was provided by my university along with an accompanying layout file. I have everything setup in the preamble that is required and even though the latex code shows the \begin{document} statement it keeps telling me that it can't find it when I try to view the .pdf file. The class files and layouts are all installed properly as far as I know. Please assist!
I'm sure that there are Latex users out there on the CoLoCo team, so I am surprised that no one has responded to your message yet. However, you might find the answers that you are looking for on a forum or mailing list that is more specific to the software that you mentioned. I am not currently a Latex or Lyx user, but I see that there are some resources available for you. LaTeX Help: http://www.latex-project.org/help.html LyX User's Mailing List: http://www.lyx.org/mailing.php I hope that helps out somewhat. Also, if you are specifically looking for Ubuntu help from the CoLoCo group, you might try visiting the #ubuntu-us-co channel on irc.freenode.net as there are almost always people logged in to that channel. Good luck!
Last edited by hilltop_yodeler; March 5th, 2008 at 03:30 AM.
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