Hardy Heron is coming, scheduled for release in April 2008. Most LoCo Teams will celebrate the new ubuntu release, let's start planning our own! Share your comments, ideas and suggestions... useful links: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingComm...ngReleaseParty
My Blog | Irish Ubuntu Community Registered Linux User #401535 | Registered Ubuntu User #13516
I suggest we all meet up for pints!
A release party is definitly in order! Camara, the Irish charity that sends edubuntu PCs to schools in Africa has kindly offered their massive workshop in Thomas Street, Dublin as a location for a release party! I've created the wiki page for some brainstorming: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/HardyReleaseParty
Sounds Like a plan. i never knew about the camara charity. wonder if they'd let me be involved
Originally Posted by spmccann Sounds Like a plan. i never knew about the camara charity. wonder if they'd let me be involved Great to chat to you on IRC last night. Of course Camara always welcome's volunteers.
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