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Thread: Monroe HAM Fest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Monroe HAM Fest

    There seems to be a lot of discussion about the booth at the Monroe HAM fest going on. This is probably going to take a significant amount of resources. Let's try to coordinate that all here.

    We'll need some computers running Ubuntu, fliers, cds and a ton of other things. We also will need volunteers to staff the booth. Along those lines, what size booth will it be? We need to make sure that we have enough people staffing the booth, but not so many that we can't move around or function.

    We should also move this project to its own wiki page so we can document things there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Re: Monroe HAM Fest

    Copied straight from (paraphrased a little)


    • 2 computers compact powerful keyboard mouse
    • 2 computers compact slow no keyboard mouse
    • 4 big monitors
    • camera
    • audio player
    • webcam
    • multi card reader
    • high quality speakers
    • USB mass storage thing with real life example documents: .xls, .doc, ...
    • anti theft cables
    • ethernet cabling & switch
    • wifi bridge

    • 2 long power extension cords
    • 2 power strips (4 sockets minimum)
    • 10 pens
    • contribution urn (tip jar)
    • table cloth (our booth will be 3 tables so we would need 3)
    • scissors
    • 2 foldable 3m poles (for a banner perhaps?)
    • 2 candy bowls
    • anti theft cables
    • 20 empty plastic badges with room for name tag
    • strong reusable banners
    • Sample documents
    • free magnatune music
    • Elephants dream movie

    • pressed 32 bit Ubuntu CD's
    • flyers
    • 10 empty news subscription lists
    • 10 empty volunteer subscription lists
    • duct tape
    • rope
    • transparent tape
    • empty CD-r's
    • paper CD bags with window
    • cheap candy
    • Ubuntu stickers
    • locoteam contact information
    • donuts!

    Obviously this is just a suggestion. I think there are several things we might not need and possibly things we would need to add.

    It would be nice if we had a ham radio we were able to connect to one of the computers to show off the software available, but we would need someone licensed to do that....and the radio. Of course, that's if they even allow that at the fest at all. I don't see why they wouldn't but I've never been to one so I wouldn't know.

    I don't think networking the computers would be very beneficial considering the target audience. I think they are more likely to be interested in the software available for user with ham radios.

    I think r2 mentioned he would be going to one of the meetings before the event so maybe he or someone else could ask about that sort of thing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Monroe, LA

    Re: Monroe HAM Fest

    Hamfest setup is tomorrow, who's gonna be in Monroe this weekend?


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