one of mine
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Originally Posted by Rax13 Here's mine... Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit... @Rax13: Very nice desktop. Another metalhead
My Blog | Irish Ubuntu Community Registered Linux User #401535 | Registered Ubuntu User #13516
Originally Posted by Rax13 Here's mine... Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit... Is the weather info a screenlet or something else? I have been using the awn weather applet but that looks much better!
Hehe mine is not coming out for another year and a half ish probably. Its probably going to be in gnome 3.0 Here are the pics.
Better pictures can be seen here, If anyone wants the theme, wallpaper, icons or conky config file let me know and ill post the links to them. Most of them came from
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!# CrunchBang Linux 9.04 View Full Size Image
Woooowwwww! Two thumbs up!
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Rax13 how do u get those icons are they Screenlets? Looks very sexy~ well here's mine
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