This script will automatically delete files from your trash folder that exceed certain age and/or size limits, and will also keep the total size down, while allowing extensive control over its behavior.
Updated 12 June 2008: handles standard trash (KDE, XFCE, Gnome 2.22+) as well as older trash (Gnome 2.20 and below).
Updated 5 July 2008: point out use of $HOME as ~ alternative, more reliably handle deletion of paths with spaces in name.
7 July 2008: see below for ideas on useful modifications to this script, especially for multi-user environments. For those who don't wish to make the changes manually, I will incorporate some/all of into the main script in the "near" future, as my time allows.
WARNING: this script will automatically delete files! Use with caution!
Used correctly, this script should be perfectly safe. However, it does contain the "rm -rf" command, and has the potential to damage your system. Please take the following precautions before using:
1) Back up your system, or at least your home folder. You should do this anyway, it's probably been too long.
2) Before executing, always ensure that the TrashPath variable, which contains the path to be regulated, in fact points to your Trash folder, and not (for example) your home folder.
3) NEVER execute this script with the "sudo" command unless you know exactly what you are doing. Improperly used, this could theoretically delete your whole system, although it would take a series of unlikely mistakes. (To remove files/directories owned by root from your trash, you can run "sudo emptytrash.bash", but only do so when you are sure the script works and know there are problematic files in your trash. Note that using sudo in this case affects your USER trash, not ROOT trash, whereas logging in as root or using "sudo -i<ENTER>emptytrash.bash" will clear ROOT trash.)
I cannot help you if you misuse this script - once it removes the files, they are gone forever. (Actually, some file systems do allow for an undelete, but that is beyond the scope of my experience, and the default in Ubuntu, ext3, does not have a reliable way of recovering deleted files.) Backups are important!
This script should work on any version of (k/x/etc)Ubuntu, provided you modify the TrashPath variable as needed. As written, TrashPath points to ~/.local/share/Trash, which is the Trash folder used by Gnome 2.22 (Hardy and greater), KDE, and XFCE. This script should work for any distro (certainly any Debian-based distro) using similar versions of Gnome/KDE/XFCE, and probably other file managers that use the Trash. When pointing to the Trash path, also make sure the "freedesktop" switch is set correctly; it should be "1" for Gnome 2.22+, KDE, and XFCE; "0" for Gnome 2.20 or lower; and set appropriately for other file managers. (The standard ones generally use the path ~/.local/share/Trash, with two sub-directories of "files" and "info".) It should also work fine in a multi-user system, provided the trash path for all users is the same.
In addition to being able to change the TrashPath, you have control over the following parameters:
Undelete info cleanup
If using a Trash (KDE, XFCE, Gnome 2.22+), setting this to "1" will have this script also purge the undelete information for removed files; this setting is ignored if not using a Trash. I have tested this with Gnome 2.22 (which has the infrastructure in place but does not actually allow for undelete); it should not break anything for other file managers, but it is possible it will remove too much undelete information in some cases for others (I can't find clear information on how KDE and XFCE regulate theirs). Worst case scenario is that you'd lose the undelete path for files still in your trash, meaning that automatic restore wouldn't work (but you could still do so manually).
Six settings control the age at which files get deleted. FileLimit, FileLimitLarge, and FileLimitHuge are the number of days a file must remain static (i.e., not moved, modified, or had permission/ownership changes) before being removed. FileLimit variables apply to the files that are in the root of TrashPath, i.e., not in a sub-folder. DirLimit, DirLimitLarge, and DirLimitHuge apply to the subfolders, which are treated as a units. Note that if you modify a file within a subfolder, it may or may not change the modified date on the folder itself, depending on the nature of the change to the file.
FileLimit and DirLimit variables apply to all files and folders. The Large and Huge variables apply only to those files and folders exceeding a certain size, in megabytes. By default, the script treats all files larger than 10 MB as "large" and greater than 100 MB as "huge", with slightly higher limits for folders.
Overall Size
The total size of the Trash folder can be limited (in MB) using MaxSize. In addition, you can set the AlwaysEmpty variable to 1 (on) or 0 (off). If AlwaysEmpty is on, then the script will delete files from the Trash whenever they meet age/size requirements, even if the TOTAL size of the Trash is below the limit (MaxSize). If AlwaysEmpty is off, files are never deleted until the Trash folder exceeds MaxSize.
Overall Size deletions
To address the scenario where MaxSize is exceed, but no individual files or folders meet their age/size requirements, there are some additional parameters for forcing the Trash below MaxSize. These two groups of parameters control the rate at which the time/age limits are temporarily lowered to delete additional files, and the minimum values they can take, at which you point deletion will stop even if MaxSize is exceeded. To deal with MaxSize being exceed, the script lowers all limits by the indicated amount, deletes any matching files, then lowers and deletes again, etc., until either MaxSize is no longer exceeded or the minimum values are reached.
To disable the looping to force the Trash below MaxSize even when individual files/folders don't meet the limits you have set, simply set the minimum values to the same as the initial values.
The Script
Below is the script. Copy the contents of it into a new text file using your favorite editor (Gedit, etc.).
REMEMBER to set the TrashPath correctly for your system!
Make any other changes to the settings you wish, and save the file (e.g., emptytrash.bash). Then make the file executable, either by right-clicking and selecting Properties -> Permissions, or in a terminal:
chmod +x emptytrash.bash
You can the test the script, after backing up your files, by running
in a terminal. The script should simply return a command prompt without errors. It may or may not have actually deleted anything from your trash, depending on what matched the parameters you set.
To run automatically, you can either put the script in your daily/hourly cron, or (as I do),
sudo cp emptytrash.bash /usr/local/bin
and add
to your session startup commands (in Gnome, System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Add).
The script:
#! /bin/bash
# Purge files from Trash, if meet sufficient time and size criterea
# Directories are treated as blocks
# Uses only ctime (modified/moved) for time matching, as access time for directories is often
# much more recent (e.g., if listed files within) and files are sometimes made more recent
# by find and other system commands rather than actually reading it
# Will never delete files/directoires changed (deleted) less than 1 day (24 hours) ago
# Note that if files not owned by the user end up in the user's Trash directory, this script
# may not be able to delete them unless it is run as root
# Path to Trash directory and Trash type
# If path contains spaces, enclose in "" and do not use ~; use $HOME instead (e.g., "$HOME/path to trash/trash/")
# Gnome 2.20 and earler use ~/.Trash (not standard)
# Gnome 2.22 & later, XFCE 4.4 & later, and KDE 3.4? & later use ~/.local/share/Trash ( standard)
# Freedesktop is 1 if uses a files/info subfolder system in TrashPath ( standard);
# 0 if stores files directly in TrashPath (i.e., set appropriately to match the path type)
# Maintain undelete information
# 1 if using system and want to purge unneeded .trashinfo files from TrashPath/info;
# 0 otherwise
# this is ignored unless Freedesktop (above) = 1
# NOTE: not entirely sure how non-Gnome handle maintaining TrashPath/info, so this could break "undelete"
# Trash functions, but it probably is safe to use
# Time limits are in days; File settings refer to files in base folder,
# Dir to directories in same
# Large & Huge limits refer to files/directories larger than the indicated size
# These values must be integers, and must be greater than 0
# Size limits (in MB) to trigger shorter time intervals
# These values must be integers, and must be greater than 0
# Overall maximum size (in MB) before begins to delete things before the above limits
# Must be an integer and greater than 0
# Set following to 1 if wish to empty trash, based on above limits, even when MaxSize
# is not exceeded; set to 0 if only empty the trash when above MaxSize
# Following values are amount to reduce limits by if necessary to reduce total size below MaxSize
# All values must be integers and greater than 0
# Following values are the smallest value that the limits/sizes can take on, when MaxSize is exceeded
# Set to 3 if, for example, you wish to never delete files less than 3 days old
# All values must be integers and greater than 0
EmptyTrash() {
# files first, in the main directory only
# Normal
find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type f -ctime +$FileTime -execdir rm -f '{}' +
# Large
find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type f -ctime +$FileTimeLarge -size +${FileSizeLarge}M -execdir rm -f '{}' +
# Huge
find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type f -ctime +$FileTimeHuge -size +${FileSizeHuge}M -execdir rm -f '{}' +
# Now directories
# Normal
find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +$DirTime -execdir rm -rf '{}' +
# For Large & Huge, need to loop to be able to get directory size
# Large
for i in `find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +$DirTimeLarge`
if [ `du -sm "$i"|awk '{print $1}'` -gt $DirSizeLarge ]
rm -rf "$i"
# Huge
for i in `find "$TP" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +$DirTimeHuge`
if [ `du -sm "$i"|awk '{print $1}'` -gt $DirSizeHuge ]
rm -rf "$i"
EmptyInfo() {
# get list of all files in TrashPath/info, then remove ones that don't have a matching file in TrashPath/files
# strip './' and '.trashinfo' from list of files in TrashPath/info before storing in a temp file
find "$TrashPath/info" -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir ls '{}' + |sed -e 's/.\///' |sed -e 's/.trashinfo$//' > /tmp/emptytrash_trashinfo.list
while read line
ls "$TrashPath/files/${line}" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
rm -rf "$TrashPath/info/${line}.trashinfo"
done < /tmp/emptytrash_trashinfo.list
rm -rf /tmp/emptytrash_trashinfo.list
MaxVal() {
if [ $1 -gt $2 ]
return $1
return $2
# Set needed variables for splitting lines and comparisons
export IFS=$'\n'
CompVal=$(($FileTimeDec + $FileTimeLargeDec + $FileTimeHugeDec + $DirTimeDec + $DirTimeLargeDec + $DirTimeHugeDec))
# purge based on individual file times/sizes, even if total size is not exceeded
if [ $AlwaysEmpty -eq 1 ]
if [ $Freedesktop -eq 1 ]
EmptyTrash "$TrashPath/files"
EmptyTrash "$TrashPath"
# Now loop until overall size does not exceed maximum
while [ `du -sm $TrashPath|awk '{print $1}'` -gt $MaxSize ]
# First time through this may be redundant, if AlwaysEmpty is 1
if [ $Freedesktop -eq 1 ]
EmptyTrash "$TrashPath/files"
EmptyTrash "$TrashPath"
if [ $(($FileTime + $FileTimeLarge + $FileTimeHuge + $DirTime + $DirTimeLarge + $DirTimeHuge)) -eq $CompVal ]
# Stop, because all time limits are as small as they are going to get
# reduce all time and size limits by appropriate values, keeping at least minimum size
MaxVal $((FileTime - $FileTimeDec)) $FileTimeMin
MaxVal $((FileTimeLarge - $FileTimeLargeDec)) $FileTimeLargeMin
MaxVal $((FileSizeLarge - $FileSizeLargeDec)) $FileSizeLargeMin
MaxVal $((FileTimeHuge - $FileTimeHugeDec)) $FileTimeHugeMin
MaxVal $((FileSizeHuge - $FileSizeHugeDec)) $FileSizeHugeMin
MaxVal $((DirTime - $DirTimeDec)) $DirTimeMin
MaxVal $((DirTimeLarge - $DirTimeLargeDec)) $DirTimeLargeMin
MaxVal $((DirSizeLarge - $DirSizeLargeDec)) $DirSizeLargeMin
MaxVal $((DirTimeHuge - $DirTimeHugeDec)) $DirTimeHugeMin
MaxVal $((DirSizeHuge - $DirSizeHugeDec)) $DirSizeHugeMin
# If requested, clean up the .trashinfo files
if [ $Freedesktop -eq 1 ]
if [ $MaintainInfo -eq 1 ]
If at any point you wish to stop using and/or remove the script, just delete the file or reference from your cron/session commands, and/or delete emptytrash.bash.
This should work in a mutli-user environment with a single copy, provided all users have the same relative path to their trash, or multiple copies of the script with different names could be used, each with its own path.
Note that if you want to check the total size of your Trash, you can either use a graphical tool like Disk Usage Analyer or, in a terminal
du -sm ~/.local/share/Trash
which will output the total size of your Trash in megabytes (assuming ~/.local/share/Trash is your Trash folder).
Also note that if this solution is more complex than you need/want, and you just want a simple one-liner that prevents the Trash folder from becoming too large, see
Please post (not private message) if you have any questions, comments, or complaints.
This script is becoming a bit of a communual effort, so I thank those who have posted below and pointed out problems or contributed new ideas/extensions.