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Thread: Greetings from Highland

  1. #1
    &)ky#)^ is offline Gee! These Aren't Roasted!
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Greetings from Highland

    Hello, Team. I've been interested in non-Microsoft operating systems, alternative operating systems (a misnomer), for almost a decade. I've been using Ubuntu since Breezy Badger. We sure have come a long way since then, eh?

    I prefer linux because I'm a hobby programmer trying to turn my hobby into a career. In the Windows world, I always felt there was an attitude of "can't be done".

    You want to write code? You're going to need this software and that IDE and your grand total comes to about $1000. What? You want to change the system? Why? Well, good luck.

    In the linux world, I always felt an attitude of "can be done".

    You want to write code? Then, go! Do it! Open a terminal! You want to change the system? Here's the source code. Jump in!

    I'm interested in joining the team. I don't know exactly how active I can be right away, though. I go to school full-time and work part-time. If you'll have me, I'll do what I can.
    Last edited by QIII; May 27th, 2021 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Removed personal information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Greetings from Highland

    We'll have you. Pitch in where and how you see fit. Welcome Aboard!

    My name is Simón and I live in Fort Wayne, though I'm from Bloomington.

    I started using Ubuntu during Breezy Badger, as well; though that was my first foray into Linux. I really love that "<i>can</i> be done" attitude, it's one of the things that really drew my into Linux to begin with.

    Well, I look forward to seeing you around!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Greetings from Highland

    Hi Jay! Remember me? Here's a hint: OpenDNS.

    I'm trying to get Ubuntu installed in the highland school system, and then maybe to Griffith, Scherriville, or other places. I might do it over summer break as I'm not even in college yet...


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