Hello All, I was accepted to your group a couple days ago so I figured I would introduce myself. Basically I'm a total linux noob. I'm a Windows Sys Admin for money but use Ubuntu for fun. I've been tinkering with Linux on and off for the last 3 or 4 years but feel as I still know very little. The first distro I tried was Debian so Ubuntu was a natural progression for me as I moved from server to desktop and wanted something that pretty much just worked out of the box. I still run a Debian server with a the basic "LAMP" setup. But nothing ever breaks on that so I've learned very little. Ok then. I guess I don't have anything else to say.
Wellcome to the forum!
Welcome to the team. Out most active area of communication is still on IRC (#ubuntu-us-mi on Freenode) so if this forum seems "slow" hit us up there. Best!
Michigan LoCo Team: Wiki Page / Forum / #ubuntu-us-mi on irc.freenode.net
Welcome aboard. I hope your Ubuntu experience is a good one.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
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