Ubuntuforums.org hosts literally thousands of howtos and tutorials, covering everything from randomizing your wallpaper to patching and rebuilding the kernel from source. It is an immense repository of Linux know-how for beginners and experts alike.
Some of the tutorials are very good -- and some aren't that great. But for every tutorial that was accepted into this section, two or three were rejected.
The forum staff would like to highlight some of the best ones on a weekly basis. The hope is that by drawing attention to well-written, well-supported tutorials, the overall quality of this section will improve. It also gives you the opportunity to learn about new software, new tricks or just new ideas.
If you'd like to see the criteria for threads that appear in this section, a description is here.
The tutorials listed here are chosen on the basis of presentation and support -- not technical accuracy. It's impossible for us to screen each tutorial to see if they work as described; we just don't have the time, equipment or manpower to do that. So it's possible that there are technical points that need clarification. In those cases, you should tack a reply on to the tutorial, and seek help directly from the author, not the staff.
This post is closed to comments so you can subscribe to it (through your user control panel), and receive a weekly update of the best written tutorials in this section. If you have a tutorial you feel is worthy, you're free to contact a staff member and suggest it, or you could mention it in the 'Cafe, in the discussion thread:
Forum staff