Thanks for the invite and allowing me to join. I suppose I ought to tell a little about myself. I live just outside of Flint and have been using Ubuntu for almost a year now. My brother introduced me to it and I use it more than him. He often comes to me for help with the little things, or he turns to the forums. I like the ease of use and the cleaness of it all. It's not all jamb packed with a bunch of stuff you don't need. Any way I digress. I am trying to get the rest of my family in to it and using it as well as some friends. Thanks Again
Welcome! Nice to see Ubuntu covering the state.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Welcome aboard! Good work on spreading the 'buntu!
Registered Linux User #455695 Michigan Ubuntu LoCo Member
Welcome and whatnot.
Don't mind ColonelPanic. Unless you catch him after his death metal allotment he's never very outwardly welcoming. =P
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