For anyone who is interested, I am again offering a Linux Class. We will be meeting for 8 weeks, 3 hour hand-on sessions. Ubuntu CD's will be provided by myself as needed. The class will be on Wednesdays from 6 -9 at the Adult Learning Center, starting in February 2008. All are welcome. Contact info : Front Street Learning Center (406) 324-2117 Ask for Heather I will be blogging on the class on (to include class notes).
Last edited by bodhi.zazen; January 5th, 2008 at 05:18 AM. Reason: CHANGED TO WEDNESDAY
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
Tuesday!! ugh.......I already gots me a class on Tuesdays. Well, I'll see how the schedule goes next year.
What town are you in?
Helena Montana
UPDATE : Teusdays are busy for the Adult Learning Center and they have asked me to move to Wednesdays, same weeks (start mid February Wednesday Feb 13 th) with one week off for spring break.
Second UPDATE : Teusdays are busy for the Adult Learning Center and they have asked me to move to Wednesdays, same weeks (start mid February Wednesday Feb 20 th) with one week off for spring break.
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