The Helena LUG is meeting at the Helena Public Library. This seems to be working well as they have a projector and a wireless access point. We also get some publicity as well. We can schedule up to 3 meetings in 3 months, but they do not do a recurring time slot. Next 3 Meetings are set for : Large conference room and will be meeting 6-8 PM (Summer hours). May 27th, 6-8 PM June 24th, 6-8 PM Tuesday, July 15 th 6-8 PM
Last edited by bodhi.zazen; April 23rd, 2008 at 01:14 AM.
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
I'm in!! /readies spitballs
We are still set for : Wednesday January 16th @ 7 - 9 PM in the Lewis and Clark Library , small conference room. There may be a few from Butte. All are welcome.
I will try to keep meetings posted here, in the first post ... Also see calender of events.
I want to join the Helena LUG. Are you all still active? I hope so. Also bodhi.zazen, I hope you still do the classes. I would love to learn bash (dash?) scripting. Pretty slow learner though, might have to retake your class like a dozen times though, LOL.
Originally Posted by MechaMechanism I want to join the Helena LUG. Are you all still active? I hope so. Also bodhi.zazen, I hope you still do the classes. I would love to learn bash (dash?) scripting. Pretty slow learner though, might have to retake your class like a dozen times though, LOL. It would be fantastic to get the Helena LUG going again.
Originally Posted by bodhi.zazen It would be fantastic to get the Helena LUG going again. Well lets do it then. Maybe we can put a small ad in the paper advertising the LUG. Or post flyers around town, with businesses permission of course.
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