Welcome to Ubuntu South Carolina! This is the forum for all things Ubuntu in South Carolina. If you're new here, make a post and introduce yourself! Most of us are probably South Carolinians... If you're not already a part of the team, please join up at: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-southcarolina If you're not on our mailing list (and would like to be) please subscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-sc And...of course, we're on IRC (Freenode network): irc.freenode.net Channel: #ubuntu-us-sc We look forward to getting to know you, hearing your ideas on Ubuntu, helping each other out where we can and...of course, spreading the Ubuntu love in South Carolina. XQ / XarQuid
Hi everyone, Zero Prime here. I just joined the Ubuntu SC Team. Spreading Ubuntu is something I've been doing for about a year now. I've gotten a lot of people interested in it and have installed it on a few computers for friends, who now praise Ubuntu as well. I'm now working on a small business to build pre-configured Ubuntu PCs.
Hey there, Tristam Green here representing the Charleston area. I think this is a great idea, and hopefully I can get more of my friends to join the LoCo Team.
The views expressed in this post belong to Tristam Green and do not represent the views of any other entity, foreign or domestic, as long as you both shall live, Amen. OMG! Cheesecake! | Fuduntu - catch the fever!
What's up All. Microsoft Sucks. Ubuntu Rocks hard! I live in Seneca, SC. Love it here. Except for the winters. I have 2 blogs: http://flare-flare.blogspot.com,http://flare183.wordpress.com. Most of the time you can find me after 3:30, on the IRC as Flare183.
You Rock and You Rule! Fedora 15 Ubuntu SC Team Leader
Just entered a join request for the team. I'm a Clemson student (Go Tigers!) and Ubuntu/Debian enthusiast.
Flare183, as a non-SC resident, I am curious as to what is bad about the winter?
Originally Posted by baxterdog Flare183, as a non-SC resident, I am curious as to what is bad about the winter? I don't mind it at all. Not nearly bad as Virginia and some parts of NC. It might be a little uncomfortable if you were born in southern Georgia or parts of Florida, but it's pretty mild for the most part.
Hello, I live i Pickens and am learning Linux/Ubuntu and other Distro's. I look forward to participating in these forums and hopefully one day I will be able to help newbies. I am currently running 3 PC's. 2 with XP and one old Pentium 2 with Ubuntu 7.10 I plan on migrating everything to Ubuntu. I am so tired of MS
If you would like to chat with Us join us in #ubuntu-us-sc on irc.ubuntu.com!
Originally Posted by baxterdog Flare183, as a non-SC resident, I am curious as to what is bad about the winter? Dude right now it is, 56 F
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