yeah ,people get so complicated with using operating systems here thats why they use windows.we should spread ubuntu here, i am starting to influence some friends
so did i. even my brother has completly removed winxp from his laptop and installed ubuntu.
Unique Beautiful Unlimited New Trust Unix
yeah plus Ubuntu is easy to a days Linx is pretty easy to install and use..back in the days when there was no graphical installer it was a bit hard..
yep it was hard. but now it's so easy and so fast. On my pc , installing ubuntu tooks 10 minutes, installing Xp i think it tooks 1 hour at least
i am very happy and proud to see people like you here and exited for Ubuntu Cheers
for sure, man. Ubuntu has really changed my life. on xp, i usually open facebook everyday. after installing ubuntu, i open my facebook every two days i think, because, everyday, i check the ubuntuforums. On the ubuntuforums, you get knowledge+help people+people help you+laugh sometime it's really amazing
for sure, man. if i am not mistaken magaltavor is a woman..hopefully i am right..or this is really an embarassing moment
oh!!!! if you're right kadrus, i'm really sorrymagaltavor,. (because on the ubuntuforums, rarely to see women participate )
well there is a forum Ubuntu Women
like this thread title, i wanna say WOW, because even there's an administrator who is woman.i'm glad to see that
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