I just recently returned from the desert and worked with some of the moderators on creating the Rhode Island team. While I was away I have to say membership has been rather poor despite contacting local colleges and universities via email while I was out of country. Despite being back CONUS I am out in California and gathering membership and building the team has proven to be a very daunting task. I am looking for assistance and guidance on ways to increase and get the word out about the team and act as a silent partner while away. Unfortunately any LUG I try looking for in Rhode Island has either been disbanded or swallowed by a surrounding state. Rhode Island of course being small does not appear to have a larger number of Linux users despite being so close to major metropolitian areas like Boston and Hartford, CT. If anyone can provide assistance and/or guidance on this matter I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Seabee Steelworker - Armor Bees "We Build to Protect" My Wiki Page ----Chuck's Blog ---- Rhode Island LoCo Team
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