I have only been involved with Ubuntu for about a month, but I have tried everything I know before seeking help. I haven't had sound since I installed Ubuntu on a dual boot. When I go to the Accuweather site there is no sound. When I try to play a CD with Sound Juicer there is no sound. I have adjusted the volume and downloaded every package that might have relevance that I could find. The only thing I couldn't do was install Real Player after saving it as a bin file. I know the problem isn't in my computer because sound works fine on the Windows side with either Windows media player or Winamp.. Here are the sound fles I have downloaded: 1. dvd:rip, 2. DVDshrink, 3. Movie Player, 4. MPlayer Movie Player, 5. Serpentine Audio CD Creator, 6. Rhythmbox Music Player, 7. Sound Juicer CD Extractor, 8. Soundkonverter, 9. Sound Recorder, 10. VLC media player, 11. Volume Control, 12. Volume monitor, 13. x-CD Roast and 14 Helix Player Thanks for your attention to my problem. Keith Jones dowkeith@yahoo.com
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