Just on the point of the 7.10 ubuntu launch. What do ya's think of perhaps looking into an install fest for ubuntu in one of the counties... Dublin perhaps? I might be able to help out here with location or equipment needed, opinions/suggestions?
Galway LUG intend to organise a general Linux installfest on November 17th (to coincide with Mandriva). We have quite a few Ubuntu-heads and 7.10 will be prominent on the day. I will post more info to this thread as it becomes available.
Cheers andrew, would like to hear more about it. Anyone interested in setting one up in Dublin?
What about cork. We have our own Linux Users Group even if it hast been active in years.
Well I think its a case of each county if possible setup one for themselves. What I'd say would be nice is discuss here perhaps a plan for setting up the event or how it should be handled on the day with regard to setup and facilities aswell as getting a team on board within those counties.
Bit late now, don't you think?
Well for a launch install fest, yes obviously but I think this thread has kinda gone on from being about a launch install fest to just an install fest...
Galway LUG is organising a multi-distro installfest from 1000-1200 on Saturday 17th November, in the DERI building (opposite the Westwood Hotel), Newcastle Road, Galway. We can confirm that Ubuntu, Mandriva, Debian and RedHat will be available, amongst others. Is it possible to get a supply of Ubuntu install CDs for such an event?
if anyone in cork is interested in an install fest or maybe just meeting up and trouble shooting problems let me know, if numbers aren't too big i may have a location, best way to contact me is through my Ubuntero profile link in my signature.
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