Well, it's that time of the year again. Another 6 months is over, and it's time for another Ubuntu release. Here are the two release parties happening so far..... Johannesburg DATE: 21st October 2007 TIME: 3:00 pm PLACE: The KEG (@ Bright Water Common AKA Randburg Water Front) WIKI: http://www.ubuntu-za.org/Wiki/Johann...leasePartyJozi Cape Town DATE: Sunday 21 October TIME: 2pm onwards PLACE: Cantina Tequila, Waterfront WIKI: http://www.ubuntu-za.org/Wiki/CapeTo...syReleaseParty Since this is just after Gutsy releases, we will try and have some freshly toasted CDs - bring a blank along to exchange.
Last edited by Circus-Killer; October 19th, 2007 at 12:15 PM.
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