seems like ship-it is down for the new release in 15 days. can anyone hook me up with a copy of the older version? (I suffer from dial-up, pity me!) kinda hate having to put up with windows. (gots me a big mad at M$) any help would be a godsend. It'll take over 2 days to download! thanks.
Where you need it shipped to and what verison you need?
Last edited by roma.hicks; October 3rd, 2007 at 06:18 PM.
I know the feeling - I downloaded a few Ubuntu releases on dialup. You should know that ShipIt doesn't offer Xubuntu at this time anyway. Your best bet would be to make a post to the mailing list ( with a description of your request and location (city), and see if there's someone close by who could bring a disk to you; otherwise I'm sure someone can mail you one if necessary.
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