Ok, this is very bad(sad), we have no action from Illinois or Chicago, I know I am not the only one using Ubuntu. Where you all at? this is very bad for us. drop a line!! SIUCDUDE
LINUX Registered user # 335828 Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware
lol, a flurry of replies! I'm a Chicaguntu-ite (you heard it hear, i coined the phrase). I was digging around on google to see if there are any Gutsy release parties in chicago, this tread was oen of the results. If you know of one, let me know!
I know it makes me want to move out of here!!
I'm here! I just finally decided to look for Chicago folks here! I Soooooooo want to get 7.10 on my HP dv9000 (AMD).... I'd love to be part of a install party! SOme of these HP's aren't easy to do! I installed 7.04 on my MOTHERS computer and every time I get to use it, it gets me all fired up!
You guys must have missed the install fest we threw at College of Dupage for Gutsy. Seriously, if you want to hear about Ubuntu-Chicago you either have to a) be on the mailing list, b) meet up with us in #ubuntu-chicago on irc.freenode.net (my SN should be obvious) or c) read Richard's blog at blog.nixternal.com and get your information from there. I NEVER use the forums, I don't even know why I'm on it right now, but I thought i'd see what everyone here was doing. -eddie
great! I have irc going now...sounds good
Hey guys. If you are not on the Mailing List, you should read this. The Ubuntu Chicago team is going to be having a special meeting this TUESDAY OCTOBER 30th on IRC (#ubuntu-chicago irc.freenode.net) about a event we are planning on throwing at 11AM. Again, Tuesday Oct. 30th, #ubuntu-chicago at 11am. irc DOT freenode DOT net We will be discussing an event designed to bring ubuntu to the masses, as a sort of into to tech event (very 1960s. radical!), with the help of many other Open Source companies etc., but specifically thrown and hosted by the Loco. This meeting will be chaired by myself and Rich Johnson (loco head aka nixternal) and we are asking for you input, attendance, ideas, contacts lists, enthusiam, etc. if for some reason you can't attend, we will be recapping/summarizing the meeting on the mailing list, so those who aren't able to attend can respond back with feedback. This will be the next meeting we have for a while, so it is imperative that we get lots of input from the loco. remember, you dont have to a coding genius to suggest pizza for the event ;p. Please make it if you can. Also, the next meeting after this coming Tuesday is Dec. 1st at the Institue of Design from 1pm-3pm. We will be hosted by the ChicagoGNU/Linux Users Group (chiglug.org) and it should be a great time. Sorry if this is short notice but this decision was made for the meeting around 9pm on Sunday night and i have been trying to fix my own computer since that time. -Eddie Martinez ps. please come (/me stops asking people to come) also I checked and Ubuntu-Chicago doesnt have it's own forum space because we chose not to. If anyone wants this decision changed, come to the meetings and speak up. thanks.
I have to say the Chicago guys are pretty active on the mailing list. I subscribe to it and they are always arranging something to do. Though I have yet to make myself heard, i am planning on showing up to one of their meetings sometime soon.
there's definitely a smaller proportion of linux users in chicago than I would have thought for a big city. this is where I was introduced to it though. one of my buddies from school gave me a copy of the OS and i haven't went back to windows for two years now.... well there was the period of a few months a little while back when i used the wife's laptop because i misguidedly bought an ipod instead of the creative zen that i have now. what happens at these meetings?
We are having another IRC meeting this Saturday, Nov. 3rd at 1pm, until 2pm or so. If you are subscribed to the list, be on the lookout for an email with my name coming soon. As for the meetings: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings/Minutes Our next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 1st at Institute of Design the folks from the Chicago GNU/Linux Users Group (chiglug.org). From 1pm-3pm iirc. To better decribe the meetings, in a chronological fashion: We met up and everyone says hi. We tell jokes and every one tells everyone else that they are lame for usng GNOME/KDE/AMAROK/FIREFOX/ATX motherboards/ETC. you get the idea. One of us will usually poke Richard into starting the meeting (usually we start later than planned, because of said conversations). Richard will talk about world domination (he gives this talk every meeting, so don't worry if you miss it), typically about documentation work, KDE, how far XYZ person has come into the free software world and how to get started. Then we usually have someone else talk to the group, be it a talk about Bazzar or bug work or what have you. Then we usually talk some more, RJ will get us offtopic (his nick is RedHerring for a reason), and we degrade into an unorganized chaotic group, walking around and proposing ideas to each other, asking for help with some project or arguing about gnome/kde/amarok/firefox/atx motherboards some more. And then when that's gone on long enough, another one of us will adjourn the meeting and we will all go out for dinner. So, it's good times and if you can make it out, I suggest you do.
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