To discuss everything about CSS and its syntax. Please post any questions you may have with regards to either the CSS tutorial on the Florida-Team wiki or with CSS in general.
To discuss everything about CSS and its syntax. Please post any questions you may have with regards to either the CSS tutorial on the Florida-Team wiki or with CSS in general.
Rey Angeles
There is an issue with this option because CSS3 has made it possible to do a "-moz-border-radius:5px;" for the entire div or you can make it specific to only a corner such as "-moz-border-radius-topright:5px;" but the only issue is that it works with Mozilla Browsers such as FireFox and this can/may also work in Safari but it has not been tested. So any Mozilla enabled CSS3 browser can handle it. IE is a different story, but who knows maybe someone already has it working in IE. You can checkout this reference Link [].
Rey Angeles