Just wanted to give a big shout out to other Indiana Ubuntu users. Been using Ubuntu since June of 2006 and tried out several distributions two months prior to my adoption of Ubuntu as my primary OS. Thought I might join the Indiana LoCo to add to the burgeoning membership and pick up a few friends along the way. ~Brian
Linux Hater's Blog
Welcome aboard, Brian! Pull up a bean bag and relax. If you haven't read on the wiki page yet, we've got two big "real life" events coming up if you're up for some face-to-face action: we're planning a lunch-time meetup for those of us who are going to the Ohio LinuxFest <http://www.ohiolinux.org> (Incidentally, a great big amount of encouragement to consider attending that, it's an awesome experience to be at), and we're in the process of putting together a dinner meeting in October (time and place are still up for discussion) to celebrate the release of the Gutsy Gibbon. If you can't make any of that, or even if you can, we also have an IRC meeting every month, that's posted on the wiki page, and reminder-announced a few days beforehand. At any time, any and all questions, discussions, comments, etc. are welcomed and encouraged either here in the forums or on the mailing list. Again, Welcome aboard!
Hello!im also a newbie a matter a fact i just started using kubuntu yesterday.Lets be friends.im lonelyi need a friend.emailme at:dresden@dresden-germany.net
Ubuntu World Map
Hey! Welcome aboard! Nice to have you!
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