Hello, I am one of the devlopers of Stargus (n0.obAtroN). I am very pleased to say that the project is still active, and that we are making a release very soon. Stargus 0.2 will have many new and exciting features, so please show use your support and tell us what you think. My email is wicked.goodlife@gmail.com Suggestions are most appreciated! Now for the good stuff: + All of the Terran units have been added although not all of the features work yet + All of the Zerg units have been added although not all of the features work yet + Some of the Protoss units have been added + Sounds and music work + In-game menus are mostly finished + More complex Computer AI (its pretty hard) + Tilesets flags have been added although not all of the flags work yet (you cant walk over all terrain anymore) - Campaigns do not work - Videos do not work - Zerg larva + creep have not been added - Most of Protoss units have not been added - Protoss Shields have not been added - Spells do not work - In-game console needs some work (unit portraits, etc) Visit http://stargus.sourceforge.net/about.shtml And http://stargus.sourceforge.net/sgscreenshots.html
This is the forum for reporting bugs, and discusing Stargus. To talk to me in person Join channel #stargus on irc.freenode.net To email me send to wicked.goodlife@gmail.com gl hf, and tell me what u think!!
Just wrote an installation guide for Ubuntu users at UGA for Stargus: http://gaming.gwos.org/doku.php/guides:stargus
Linux & Art: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666
In follow-up to Artificial Intelligence's howto for installing Stargus, you can download the latest (stable) developmental version of stargus by doing : svn co https://stargus.svn.sourceforge.net/...targus/stargus stargus in a shell instead of downloading stargus-0.1.tar.gz This will give you the latest stargus w/ the latest features (zerg, protoss, Tilesets etc.)
Hello Stargus fans! We are in need of a coder to hac...MODify the Stratagus Engine to better suport our needs. If you know C++ well and would like to help out contact me at wicked.goodlife@gmail.com ANY help is appreciated!!! gl hf, n0.obAtroN
Artificail Intelliegence: Yeah this is cool but useless to those that don't do the pvp thing. Though when it gets to the point where the campain is playable natively I'll defentiytly beta test it.
Ubuntu WomenI have a gibbon on my back, what's on yours?
0.2 = Have most of the zerg and protoss finished, terran 100% complete 0.3 = Have Terran + Zerg + Protoss 100% complete 0.4 = Tilesets + UI Done (menus, terrain, console, etc.) 0.5 = Terran Campaigns 0.6 = Zerg Campaigns 0.7 = Protoss Campaigns 0.8 = Bugfixes, MetaServer (online play similar to battle.net) 0.9 = To Be Planned 1.0 = No Idea
Is it possible to make it that an unit get ranks after X kills? That one thing I missed from StarCraft.
That would be a nice option.
Yeah would be cool if for ex. for 1.0 the goal was to surpass the Original with stuff like veterans a way to keep balance is to make it an upgrade based on kills for the unit and add a unit point cost ex. Marine 100% as normal COST: 1 unit point bla bla resources Upgrade Sgt Marine 210% Upgrade cost 1unit point needed 15 confirmed kills this way you gain alot but still keep some balance.so the Sgt costs like 2units in unit points (supply depos) and equals 2Marines + 10%
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