You're likely to get more responses if you post your question to the Ubuntu Michigan mailing list.
I see, thank you.
+1 for Tory. I work in Troy.
Originally Posted by tjagoda Hello! I also live in the Macomb/Oakland area, and I'm also disappointed by the lack of nearby LUGs. I've got commitments on every tuesday and thursday (I go to college two days a week, I'm a systems and network administrator for the other three), and MUG would also be the closest for me. I would be interested in forming a Macomb/Oakland area LUG. With work and college, I doubt I could handle the mass of logistics and such on my own, though. I'm also far from being a Linux veteran still, although I'm far enough along to no longer consider myself a newbie, I think. ------- I agree, if there are enough people in Macomb/Oakland area we can do something, it's a little bit of a drive for me too, but feel like we can do something closer......
Any in the GR area? Read through the whole thread and didn't see anyone mention it.
Grand Rapids has a large open source community. The Grand Rapids Linux Users Group ( meets every Wednesday from 8PM-10PM, usually at The Warehouse in Jenison (a member's very large, heated garage). These meetings are typically social events in coordination with the GRMakers group. The West Michigan Linux Users Group ( meets on the last Thursday of each month at New Horizons Learning Center in Cascade. These meetings have formal presentations on Linuxy topics. There are also groups for every other conceivable technical or programming topic. I maintain a list of them at
Any groups in the Detroit area? I work in Troy and live in Chesterfield, so North East Detroit groups would be better for me.
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