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Thread: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    I noticed that my recently adquired laptop has gotten a small crack on the back of the lcd display, screen looks fine and works fine it appears to be only a thin hair like crack on the plastic.

    Im pretty sure this was not due to impact or heat or anything, just opening and closing is probably caused it but im concerned I had this day for barely 4 days and I could probably easily return it to the store.

    But I dont know if its such a big deal, the plastic looks flimsy and that kind of "damage" Ive seen is fairly common "wear and tear" on the plastic casing and shouldn't interfere with the actual LCD, maybe I can just use some short of glue on it to stop it from getting bigger? Or should I go through the motions and just return it?

    I don't know what to make of this little crack, its annoying me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    That little crack will eventually get bigger.

    When you say "the back of the lcd display" I'm assuming you actually mean the plastic casing of the laptop and not the physical lcd panel itself ?

    You have options:

    1. If the laptop is still under warranty contact the company and ask them about having the case replaces under warranty.

    2. If you are out of warranty open the casing up. Buy some resin & fine woven matting (it looks like silk) and apply a strip over the crack to reinforce it so it spreads no further.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    Yes its just the plastic casing and yes im under warranty. But because of my location it takes me something like an extra month to send it in for any repair ( so thats 2-3 months if Acer takes a while with shipping ). I realize It can get bigger So I was thinking of using resine or clue but just on the outside to stop it/slow it down a bit.

    But I might just send it in anyway, im not sure if it can cause damage to the actual lcd later on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    Return it to the store it might have been their use of the laptop that has given it the crack. If you send it to Acer and they determine that the fault is because of use or impact you'll have wasted 2-3 months and the store guys are just going to look at you funny when you return it and say that could have happened at any time afterall it's just been shipped internationally.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    It was not shipped internationally so it was not during shipping, but I get the picture, and yes its most likely they're just gonna blame me for it. What a bummer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    Beside, the resin trick will probably void the warranty. The might use it as a excuse if something (like the hard drive) fails latter on.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    A galaxy far, far away...

    Re: Damage on Laptop: Is this a big deal?

    heh, I have two big cracks like that on the back of mine, been there for about 6 months now. They do slowly get larger, but not very quickly and they do not appear to affect anything else. Just try not to carry it around if you can avoid it, or if you do, use a padded bag.
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