In my boredom I have decided to try an experiment: create a thread whose sole purpose is to get continuously bumped. Ready... go!
Beginners Guide to Filing Bug Reports System Docs | Community Docs | Contribute to Documentation The Bump Thread - as pointless as it sounds.
One large bump for linux. One giant thread for all computers!
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my JAMENDO * The XY sex-determination system is the sex-determination system found in humans and Z was my donor! * Tarot and Poya Sutra | * # 12755
Doesn't the Word Association Thread already fulfill this role? (perhaps it should be in the support categories, so we all get beans) *BUMP*
Originally Posted by LaRoza Doesn't the Word Association Thread already fulfill this role? *BUMP* Yes, but that thread has a somewhat legitimate purpose. I hide behind no such façade. *bump*
Explaining the Internet to someone who's never been online, is like explaining the Magna Carta to your cat.
Right. OK. I'll post before someone closes this for lack of purpose. Oh, and BUMP
I'll post here because I saw this thread btw, BUMP!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by Rocket2DMn Yes, but that thread has a somewhat legitimate purpose. I hide behind no such façade. *bump* *bump* Good to know some people realize the pointlessness of life, besides me...
BUMP (Good to know its not just me who has no life)
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