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Thread: Welcome!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Kansas City, KS


    This is the Welcome thread.
    Feel free to post information about yourself, your Ubuntu story, what town you live in, any ideas for events or projects for the Kansas LoCo Team to participate in or create. Please feel free to post here.

    Here's mine:
    Eric Klemm
    31 years old, Salina KS
    I come from Overland Park (Kansas City)
    I've lived in Topeka and Lawrence.
    I've been using Linux for about 3 years, I first installed Ubuntu between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. When I setup a Dual-Boot machine instead of upgrading to Vista, I started using it on a daily basis.
    Other hobbies: I paint canvas with acrylic, I learned to solve the Rubik's cube this year, I've been married to my beautiful wife for 5 years, we have a little Jack Russell Terrier named Mac.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Welcome!

    Greeting and a bit about me:

    Carl Lane
    Wichita, KS
    New to Linux, but not to computing
    I am currently a Web Applications Developer, a Commerical E-commerce Shopping Cart Developer and operate a Web Hosting Company
    No time for hobbies, I'm always coding!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Tulsa, OK
    Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    Re: Welcome!

    Austin Roberts
    I'm from Prairie Village, KS originally and get back quite a bit, but I'm currently a Computer Science major at the University of Tulsa.
    I've been using Ubuntu for about 2 years, and Windows has been resigned to a virtual machine for about 9 months.

    If you all are having any meetings while I'm in town, I'll try to stop by.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Wink Re: Welcome!

    Kevin aka MeKGP
    Been using different distros's of Linux for the last couple of years and have settled to using Ubuntu on a daily basis. Currently working on getting a Gateway 2620 TabletPC working with Ubuntu. So far, so good...pen usage is kind of "iffy" at the moment.
    I live in Wakeeney, KS....
    Linux Rookie!... Ubuntu 10.04 & WinXP...Win2K....spread among too many machines!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: Welcome!

    I am in Topeka and have been using Linux for about 5 years now,,,
    Registered Linux User: 433263
    Registered Ubuntu User: 9010

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Welcome!

    Salane Ashcraft

    Student at KU

    Ubuntu user since March

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Welcome!

    Howdy Yall

    I'm 22 and study history at KU. I'm originally from Salina.

    I wouldn't call myself a 'computer person,' but I've played around with Linux for several years as a hobby. I have been using Ubuntu as my sole OS for about a year, and I have already converted my girlfriend and one of my roommates!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Re: Welcome!

    I'm in Topeka. I've been working in Linux for about 6 years and have been using Ubuntu exclusively for about 4 months. I still have to use windows to get my flash card reader to work. I purchased a used laptop with Windows already on it so I added Ubuntu and have been using it ever since.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    United States
    Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: Welcome!

    My name's Brian Henry, and I'm a sophomore at Oskaloosa High School, near Lawrence. I've only just started using Ubuntu in the past few weeks and enjoying it. I'm planning on majoring in Computer Engineering in college.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Welcome!

    Matt AKA Purplecatty

    I live in Shawnee, KS and work for USPS. I fiddle around Linux as my hobby.

    I switched to Ubuntu since last summer due to Windoz XP in AMD64 system crashed. Gotten tired of Windoz's problem, I decided to switch over to Linux. I have been messing around Linux for 5 years as a newbie starting with Mandrake 9.0 and RedHat (been trying out LiveCD and tried many flavors of Linux, Ubuntu seem to be the easiest to use. I do have Mint Linux which is a Ubuntu base OS on other hard drive. But there are some bugs that I can't get few installed software working.). I am still learning but getting better on Console. My kids love Ubuntu better than Windoz becuz browser loads faster and plenty of cool games. I finally figure out how to use WINE. I Google search alot to get info.

    Kah00na, I did not have any problem getting Flash card reader working. I have HP PSC 2175 All-in-One printer and it have flash card reader on it's side. I tested and it works great. I believe it have to do with chipset issue.

    So I say Hello to everyone!

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